The online community of knife collectors, A Knife Family Forged in Steel
Ok so you need a thread lock thumb bob, or how about some bronze bushings?
You say you broke the tip off a perfectly good damascus blade?
Where do you order and is it a good source for you to recommend to fellow members?
Tags: repair, supplies/knife
I realise I am very late to this party but here are the two sources I have used for many,many years and where 99% of my supplies come from-
Texas Knifemaker's Supply---
Sheffield Knifemakers Supply Inc located in Orange City,
Oh, great resources all! I love this site.
ok here is a list of the sites I use....
Ok so I use some of these sites for somethings and others for other things depending on price and specific would take me forever to list what I get from each site so your going to have to look through yourself. Also there are people that make similar products but they have a different end product 2 examples first Damascus if you want a darker etch mike Norris is one of the best if you want a shiny silver-y etch damasteel is great....second alpha knife supply makes timascus chad Nichols make moku ti they are essentialy the same thing but slightly differt the stuff from alpha is only patterend on one side and other little things if anyone has questions shoot me a message and ill try to help. this list is for general supplies I also have a list for different equipment ( grinders drill press hydrolic press mills that sorta thing) I also have a list of sites for tooling (drill bits end mills cutters ect..) if any one needs that info let me know
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Risa at Cherokee Knife Supply has recently joined iKnifeCollector as a member. I know that they carry knife blade blanks and 440SS utility blades, handle materials, hardware, adhesives, epoxies and other knife making accessories. Made in the USA and fabricated overseas. They carry HHH Custom Damascus Billets. For those of you who make your own blades it is one of the few and fine Damascus Billets in the industry and is also made in the USA. Risa would be happy to help you source anything you are looking for in the knife supply arena. He has also offered a professional blade smith with forging experience on staff who can help answer your knife making questions.