I was given a wooden handled hunting knife approx 30 years ago when I lived in Canada. I can just make out the name Frosts on the side. This knife means a lot to me as some very fond memories fishing for hours then cleaning them with this very knife. Sadly the man who gave me this knife passed away recently which reminded me about the knife being locked away safe as a memento. Then I realised its a waist of the gift and what it was made for, also I would like to pass it on to my kids one day( not yet though)
Do you have any advice as to how I can bring it back to its former glory. Hope you can help in this as I know it was well used when it was given to me so I am not sure how old it actually is. Please see photo attached
Hope you can help Olly

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I would polish the blade and handle and use a leather treatment on the sheath. I would use a metal polish on the blade, such as AG. Russell's Simichrome Polish and then a furniture wood polish such as Lemon Oil. That's what I would do others may have good idea's too. Good luck with that old knife.

Simichrome and lemon oil have my vote.  I am sorry for the loss of your friend but what a joy to have the memories and still have the knife too.

Ron is right, you don't want to shine it up like a new nickel. You ask how to dress it up a little and I think, that's all you need to do. Keep your old friend looking it's age, not like some new kid on the block...lol  Enjoy your friends knife, clean fish and game with it, just don't put it up to terrible task. Take it with you on those special camping trips, your old friend will be with you. Bless ya'll hearts.

I'd keep it simple also.
Definately keep the patina on the blade, it shows character.
I'd go with Linseed oil or Tung oil. As for the sheath, give it a good cleaning with Saddle Soap and finish it off with a Mink Oil conditioner.

That's a nice old knife, looks pretty good like it is.

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