Lots of things to do in the spring, one is knowing when to plant and when to wait.

May 10th is my last frost date, passed down from my grandmother. She said you plant something 

that comes up before then, you will be covering it up!  Pop he said oh just use the almanac to plant and

weed and you will be okay.

This year I started the lettuce early. We had a spell of hot weather and that is all 

I needed for good germination.

Such fun it is to grow your own veggies and so Healthy for you too.

Hope everyone joins me in Gardening this year and post their pictures of veggies and flowers and such.

Lettuce is 4  days old, the cages is to keep my dog from digging...lol

Lettuce is up , black seeded simpson, salad mix and crunch

Violets blooming, going to try them in salad tomorrow.

Replenished and cleaned up MY BEACH.......

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Gonna be that tonight with a clear overnight sky!  Well if the strawberries make it I'll be happy!

The old folks say that once a pecan tree sprouts, there's no worry about freezing. Well the pecan tree sprouted around here the other day. I hope they are right.

I hope so too Robert. My goodness even the fruit trees seem hesitant to bloom!

We picked our first Strawberry yesterday and the plants are full of green ones.

Robert, there is nothing better than a warm ripe strawberry right off the plant.....WTG !

My attempt for lettuce and peas on the kitchen counter went well for GREEN stuff....but when I put them outside 

the last frost got them.....so I went to the dollar store today and bought more seed to turn my little patio garden green again, 

my favorite greenhouse is open so tomorrow I will get a few of those grand old vintage Italian tomato's....

Right now all I have growing is some violets and dandylions...lol.....did have to relocate 6 baby rabbits to a field across the 

road from me. Hubby just opened the swimming pool yesterday so we are getting closer to a swim too...

We do have dogwood blooming now and redbud trees.....since the 10th of may is generally our last frost date, I think I will

be safe with my spring planting.....we did use that christmas case with the muskrat blades cutting pool tubing and dryed out duct tape....it stayed sharp too!!!!!!!

This year the tomato's are growing rapidly and the lettuce is growing slow...lol

Roses are those Hardy ones, this is the first year they have been killed back by the weather,,,they are finally coming out of it....

All looking good, Miss Sue.

Just a walk about checking out the garden...

Looks outstanding Sue! You have encouraged me to get some pics!

Great looking garden.

The Pineapples are almost ready and the coffee plant seems to be happy

The summer tropicals are loving the afternoon rains and beginning to bloom

and the tomatoes are beginning to bloom

When summer is 8 months long you pace how much you do at once LOL

But the back yard is starting to look like Florida


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