Well, The Camera came home today and it has been an adventure on this system but I uploaded them all to photobucket.  The link is



Hope you all enjoy them.  BOB, The trip home was great.  We went through the valley and over to the smokeys.  Played with some bears in Cherokee...then we went down to the GA coast through savannah and into Brunswick where Donnies cousin lives.  Her husband may be getting his first GEC this week!!



Views: 59

Replies to This Discussion

Thanks for sharing all your pictures. Looks like a great time and a fun trip.
I hope one day to visit GEC myself as it looks like a neat place to "hang out".
Hey Jan,Hey Donnie! Great pictures! Your pictures are really nice, they add faces to the names a lot of us hear often at this site. I really enjoyed meeting you folks and everybody at GEC. The tour was totally awesome! the way these knives are made is unbelievable. I didn't realize ANYTHING was made that way nowadays! Each and every single little part,hand fit,hand finished. Each and every knife blade smacked twice ,by hand,with a ball peen hammer to test for breakage? Unbelievable!And a WHOLE FACTORY devoted to Quality of Product! I just can't get over it.
It also sounds like you finished your vacation with a good trip back south. The Shenandoah Valley is one of my favorite places.I think it's about the most scenic place west of the Mississippi.Except for maybe parts of the Coast! I hope I can make the trip to Titusville for Rendezvous again next year!
Bob Andrews

Already planning on next year and your being there is part of the plan! Can't wait
Just for my own information,I never heard who won the Wounded Warriors Knife. Maybe you or Greg can tell me.
It is a great place to hang out, met so many nice people. Sorry you couldn't make it this year, maybe next. Save you a spot on the Porch!!
We were there for the drawing but my old brain cannot think of the name. Checking on it for us though. I apologize, I should have had that on here way before now. Thanks for keeping me on my toes
"The Porch" may be one of the best parts of the whole outing and it sure sounds good to me.
If''n the snakes and tarantulas don't get me a'fore then we'll see what we can do.

(Some call it hell with the fires out. Others call it Arizona......)
well it turns out GEC has a charity site where the list all the winners of thier contests


This site tells the name of the winner and also the amount donated


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