Awfully quiet in here this week.  Thought I would ask if everyone has gone to the GEC website and seen the Open house Pic and also the steps to make the 66 Mink?  I really like how they put togaether the pictures to show how many steps it takes to build that knife "the way used to be made".

Something else that should up lately is a category for older knives that are in the inventory and available for purchase.  Time to look and see what pieces you have been needing for that collection!!

Let me know what you think about the steps for the mink

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Did you happen to check out the new file on the past Production Totals?
When I looked this over a couple of days ago some of the listings were a bit harder to navigate than previously. I'm sure glad I printed them all out from the original format and filed the copies.

The steps for the Mink were very interesting and informative.
I enjoyed the pictures very much and would like to see more of this.

I spoke with Chris about the previous production totals last week. As you can tell Susie is dong a bit of a rehab on some items on the site. I know she is working on those past production items. I'll check them again next week too.

Amazing how those pics on the mink tell such a story. I would like to see more of it also
I finally got a chance to view the pics about the making of the 66 Mink. Yes, very cool to see all the steps. It really make me appreciate the skill of the workers and designers. My wife and I are starting to make plans to go to the factory and I can hardly wait!

Although I like a bigger frame size, my favorite is the 53, the Mink is a good pocket size. I currently own two GEC acrylic handled knife, a #53 "Lava" stockman, which is absolutely beautiful and a #53 "Cracked Marble" stockman which is my current EDC. (I showed this knife to Ken Daniels at the A. G. Russell Event earlier this month to prove my loyalty ; ) )

As for the older knife inventory, that #53 Mexican Bocote looks mighty sweet!
Okay Folks,I've been waiting for three weeks to see who would do this.I guess if no one else will,I'll have to do it myself.Here is a picture of my personal #668210 Rendevous Knife. For those who aren't up on this knife it has a few unique features. One Blade is a Tidioute Blade with Tidioute tang stamp,the other blade is a Northfield Blade with a Northfield Tang Stamp.The Northfield Blade has a special Blade Etch to comemorate the 2010 Rendezvous.The handle material is Green Abalone Looking Glass. And the Shipping Tube has a special Rendezvous Label.This particular knife is #10 of 30.It is my most prized knife in my collection,and I have a few.
Bob Andrews
Old Hundred Collectibles

Yeah, that's a prized knife all right! I saw one at CollectorsKnife.net and didn't act quick enough. That green abalone really looks sharp.
Whoops! I just looked again at CollectorsKnives.net and saw the Rendezvous Knife! Now to figure a way to buy it. Hmmm.


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