As some of you know and as I'm temporary living in Allentown (PA) very close to Bethlehem, I was searching and investigating about knives forged with Bethlehem Steel. Well, from one side I found a bolo that some worker of the Bethlehem Steel company made for himself, and used it in the garden, the blade even being primitive is really nice, I will start some project soon and will keep you informed. The point now is that I bought in Ebay a couple of  knives supposedly forged by the late Ed Chavar, from Bethlehem. One is just some kind of previous model or very basic tactic knife, the number 001 can be seeing in the back.

The other is just the blade still not finish, I'm planning to do the handles and to finish sharpening the blade. Of course I'll like to keep Ed Chavar style. I will like to know from you, the experts, if you know something about those knifes, if there can be just fake Ed Chavar knives and also all the possible advices about how to finish this nice legacy.

Thanks to all.

Tags: Chavar, Ed, knives

Views: 782


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This is the second one...

Not much to find out about Ed Chaver, on the net. Found this, though, on the Arizona Custom Knives website...http://www.arizonacustomknives.com/Ed-Chavar.aspx

Yes, thanks, I try to find any bit of information, I even visit the old Ed Chavar Company, but of course he died in 2008, the business is no longer running.

J.J. Smith III said:

Not much to find out about Ed Chaver, on the net. Found this, though, on the Arizona Custom Knives website...http://www.arizonacustomknives.com/Ed-Chavar.aspx

Ed was a personal friend of mine. He made this pictured knife for me out of Bethlehem Steel (our hometown) and a black walnut handle.  I have a few other of his knives and I am familiar with his work from spending time with him when he was making the knives pictured in this thread. I cherish this blade and the symbolism of what it represents. 

Bill Stauffer said:

Hello Bill, thanks for sharing this information, the knife looks amazing, I understand the special meaning that this piece of art has for you, I also cherish mine and hopefully soon will finish the unfinished blade from Ed that I get some time ago. I move to Bethlehem one year ago and the story if Bethlehem Steel is amazing.

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