The Need

Similar to my first request, please take a look at this and the other postings I have similar to this one and share with me what you know about it. My goal is to use the information you provide to properly market and sell these knives to get a reasonable sale price while letting the buyer enjoy the full value of the piece.

Camillus 5” Blade Pilot Survival Knife – What I Think to be True

This is what I believe to be true so far about this knife:

  • Made by Camillus – no date or numbers on pommel
  • No date on pommel means this was made after the government military contract for the knife went to Ontario brand (guessing – please confirm)
  • This knife is stamped Camillus, New York, USA only on obverse tang
  • This is the 5” blade model
  • Knife purchased between 1984 and 1992

What I want to Know

Based on the bullet info above and judging the best you can from the photos, I would like to know the following:

  • Estimate year of knife manufacture
  • Should I send it to Camillus for refurb?
  • What, in your opinion, is the value of the knife?
  • What, in your opinion, is a good sale price?

Please feel free to ask me questions, request additional photos, or whatever in order to assist you in your evaluations. Please also feel free to correct my understandings with additional facts, as I want the best info I can get to support the sale.


Thank you for your comments and assistance – it is greatly appreciated!

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Is there a metal plate on the backside of the sheath?

No sir - no plate, no markings of any kind either.

Tobias Gibson said:

Is there a metal plate on the backside of the sheath?

The lack of a date is meaningless.  Camillus did not always date these knives and they made them for the Civilian market at the same time they were making them for the military.  It appears to be in good used condition I see them go for anywhere from $50-$100 on Ebay with the price normally being closer to the $50 mark.  People will often call the knife Vietnam Era regardless if it was made in 1960 or 2005.  The powder coating on the blade makes me think is a later production model.  The sheath looks almost brand new.  I'm wondering if it was a replacement. The knife also doesn't look heavily used. I'm guessing around $75.  John may have a better estimate.

Thank you Tobias - great insights and info. The sheath looks like it does because it really never left the display case my Uncle kept it in. He lived in Tucson all of his life, and I am certain he used this and the other military knives when he would go hunting or fishing. His practice was to take the knife, throw it in his truck and use as needed. Upon return, he would put it back in the sheath and back into the case.

My Dad inherited them from him in 2003, and they never left the case until this past March when I picked them up. So in my opinion, you've painted a pretty good picture without knowing more details.

Thank you!

That makes sense.  As for the Ontario Contract, My impression is they picked up the contract when Camillus went belly up in 2007.  If i were going to sell the knife on Ebay, I'd start it with a $75 bid and hope for the best.  I were selling it at a flea market I'd put a $125 sticket on it and take no less than $85!

Ahhh...perfect! Thank you...I will heed your guidance!

sweet leather stacked Camillus & sheath lars

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