How about a thread of knives found at flea markets, estate sales, garage sale, or even pawn shops.

Only real world person to person transactions, no online purchases! 

You know an actual purchase where you actually got to touch and examine the knife before you bought it and were actually able to haggle in person over the price.

Here are two knives I landed for around $30, one is a Coleman "Collector Edition" fixed blade hunter with a burl wood maple handle and the other is a Swiss Buck Advantange.  Both came new, in the box.  I bought them at Swap-O-Rama in Alsip Illinois from a guy said he had been a distributor for Buck Knives for 13 years.  He told me the Coleman Collecotr's Edition was made in Buck's China Factory.  I don't know about that but it was sweet looking knife and razor sharp!

So what great deal did you find at flea market!

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I am thinking you are very correct!!!!  I'll pay for the Frost if you want to give it a side by side go!

Be careful what you say, Jan.  I just might take you up on the offer!

Since I'm so pleased with my $25 yard sale find from yesterday I thought I'd post a pic here. I have many swap meet/yard sale finds, but none that are especially noteworthy, but this one should fit in nicely with the finds above. I won't waste thread space by posting a bunch of photos of the numerous foreign slip joints or fixed blades of various quality I've accumulated at swap meets and/or yard sales, but like I said, this one was a step above my "average" yard sale treasure. According to Tobias it is a Model 697 Camillus, probably from the 60's-70's. Not the Holy Grail, but a worthy find I think.

Very well done Syd! Certainly worthy of the post.

WOW!  Syd, quite the find...congrats!

Thanks guys, I seldom get lucky, but this time I was at the right place at the right time.

I'd take it off you hands for $25 and I 'll throw in a brass belt buckle! (I'll even include the belt!)

HA, sure thing! Naww, I'll keep it! I could use a new belt though, seems I have a brass buckle that needs one now!

Tobias Gibson said:

I'd take it off you hands for $25 and I 'll throw in a brass belt buckle! (I'll even include the belt!)

I now bow to Syd Carr as the greatest finder of a deal on a flea market knife - Check out his Hermes / Schlumberger knife and what I found out about it !!-http://iknifecollector.com/profiles/blogs/yard-sale-finds?xg_source...

here is a pic of the same Hermes /Schluberger knife I found in a very high priced auction--

I'm in shock John. First the Camillus, now this.....I should run out and buy a lottery ticket I think!

Not sure what I'll do with it at this point, I certainly don't have much invested in it. My temptation is to sell it and buy more knives, but it would be cool to pass down a Tiffany knife to my grandson too. What to do, what to do? Was getting ready to call the relatives and brag a bit, my collecting of "stuff" ways have always been an inside family joke. I think maybe I deserve to crow a little bit on this one though.

Thanks again for the info John. Should I post the photos here too? They are already posted on my blog, I don't want to hog thread space here unless you guys want to see it.

The streak continues. Not only did I win a knife today in Jan Carter's latest contest, I found more treasures this past weekend, and even made a find today! Not a major find, but a find nonetheless.

First is a 1967-1971 Buck 311 Trapper had for $20 at the local swap this past weekend, (that was THE find of the week), also found a Richartz "Whale" stamp, (the larger pen knife), and Hammer Brand pen knives at the same swap for $2 each. Today I found two Chinese SAK clones, both in very good condition, the smaller even still has the toothpick and tweezers; got the pair for $1.50 at a local thrift. I've got that store trained, they put both of these knives aside for me because I had previously asked the manager to do let me know when they get pocket knives. Today I walked in and she reached in the drawer and came out with these.

Another good week to be a junker!

The bigger Chinese SAK knock-off is Golf Knife. I bought one of these a Church Rummage Sale about year or two ago for a $1 still in the clam pack.   I've since removed the key ring to use it on another knife!  But it actually isn't that bad for a knock-off.  Strangely I own two golf knives but have never golfed a day in my life.   But then also own a Pipe knife and have never smoked!  Note the back tool is not a screwdrive but some kind of golf tool.   A golfer might be able to explain the knife better.   I know the big forky blade is called a divot tool

What looks like a cap lifter is actually a Combo Tool that was developed by Victroinox.  It is actually as a combination can opener, caplifter and small screwdriver.

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