Have you ever taken a moment to read this ?

Carrying of Firearms and Use of Force for Law Enforcement and Secur...

This part interests me immensely.   1-5. Policy

a. The authorization to carry firearms will be issued only to qualified personnel when there is a reasonable expectation that life or Department of the Army (DA) assets will be jeopardized if firearms are not carried. Evaluation of the necessity to carry a firearm will be made considering this expectation weighed against the possible consequences of accidental or indiscriminate use of firearms.

I grew up on Air Force bases around the world which means I grew up knowing that everyone had been trained to use a gun and carried one while on duty. So I assume that makes them all qualified personnel.

On May 8, 2015 the Pentagon stated that the force protection condition at military bases around the country has been raised “in reaction to perceived enemy threats.”  I also assume that means this qualification has been met

Evaluation of the necessity to carry a firearm will be made considering this expectation weighed against the possible consequences of accidental or indiscriminate use of firearms.

Our hearts go out to the families of those brave military men that were not given their right to carry due to some stupid (remember this is a personal rant) bureaucratic piece of legislature that even the powers in our country cannot read enough into to give our men and women in uniform a way to protect themselves on US soil, when they have been named a target!

OK, thats my rant, join in if you choose, we all have the right to rant our own views

Tags: The, authorization, carry, firearms, gun, military, rights, to

Views: 144

Replies to This Discussion

Well Jan I was just ranting when I opened up your rant.  As a LEO, I see no reason why trained, and yearly re-trained, uniformed military personnel can not carry a sidearm while on duty.  Off duty, if intel can show a threat is aimed at a single military personnel then a special military permit to carry a concealed firearm should be issued.  In addition, the local police agencies should be notified of this special permit for identification to the LEO who may come in contact with them.

Welcome to the new world order.  It is every honest American citizens right and responsibility....to protect themselves and their families.  Train with your PPW (Personal Protection Weapon).  Be prepared and be alert.


It is a shame that our military personnel who are trained and have to qualify at a certain level and who are increasingly coming under attack even on US soil are not allowed to protect themselves.  Civilians are allowed to carry personal protection while our military personnel who put their lives on the line to protect the rest of us are not.  That is wrong and should not be. 

Great minds rant alike, I guess-- Recruitment offices should have arms available to them and bullet proof glass in their store fronts-It's not that expensive an indulgence.-- Heck, even Walgreen's has bullet proof glass in their drive-thru pharmacy windows. I know, because we had a late night intruder try to put 8- 9mm rounds into the window one night after closing-- Glass was scarred, with no penetration.-- Do our military heroes deserve less ??-- Of course not !!! 

Leo- Thanks for the" Well said"-- As I said before, Walgreen's has bullet proof glass in their drive thru RX's  as well as elsewhere in their stores, & they sure as heck ain't hurting for money in their 8000+ locations-- Imagine this same tragedy with armed, well trained military on the counter offensive-- Whole different scenario & a painful lesson for future jihadists !! 

I have come to the point my friends where I LOVE this country, politicians can go somewhere else

Let's send all of our politicians to a Muslim country and see how they like it there!


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