As always, first I want to thank TSA knives for the opportunity to give one of these away to a member here at iKC!

see the full size pic here

As fall sets in, I love to see how folks appreciate it.  I think it is appropriate for this knife based on the story of how they came about and how the handle materials were chosen...so here is your mission, should you choose to accept it.

1) take a photo showing fall in your area, or wherever you happen to be

2) there MUST be a knife in the pic

3) extra ticket if iKC is in your pic

4) extra ticket if you carve a pumpkin for us

5) all entries must be posted in this discussion

The contest runs until October 31, 2015 at the witching hour (midnight eastern time)

Enter as often as you would like and HAVE SOME FUN!!!


Tags: **October, 2015, Trestle, contest**, giveaway!!, knife, pine


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Thanks Steve, I'm still giddy, but sain enough to say I can hardly wait to make this IKC/TSA win my EDC!

This just arrived! Its awesome with super walk and talk, razor sharp and definitely my new EDC. Thanks IKC and Trestle Pine Knives!


I am so  happy that you like it.  As an EDC, can we hear about your experiences with it as a user, when you have had a chance to spend some time with it?

Yup, a mini review is in order here. If that knife is as good as it looks it should be great.

You betcha Jan!

This knife is tight! No blade wobble at all. The blade is super slim with a wonderful, "feels like hollow grind, but I think it may be full flat ground?" With loads of blade exposure when closed, it is easy to pinch and open. It has a solid half stop and a great deep sounding click when fully open.b Walk and talk is supreme; not as buttery as a Canal Street but precise like a Queen Steel.

On this one the wood is oak and it has two distinct and beautiful barks, The grain is tight and has a shine on alternating lines that remind me of how quarter sawn oak shimmers. I had it in my pocket with keys today and thought the better of doing that, but this is hard wood and there were no marks from the keys, still I put it in my other pocket by it self. :-)

I have been looking over the other wood selections on TSA's site and would love to collect all the different ones, in particular the Maple and Yellow Birch seem warm like some old poplar boards in a summer kitchen I rebuilt down near Brown County Indiana. That poplar was cut over 100 years ago and I planed it and reused it for flooring, some of the best looking wood I ever saw. I should post pics?


 I put my Trestle Pine Oak handled winner through my "new knife regiment" right away ; lubricating the joint and working the blade open and closed while I watched TV. I can feel it loosening up and getting to that sweet point when its effortless to open and start using. But I need to give it some time, with it being so sharp and tight I am cautious not casual with it. In time it is going to be the envy of anyone I show it to and my nephews in particular! 

Of course I'll say more as i get to know this finely crafted piece of history! 

Thanks TSA and iKC!

Jan Carter said:


I am so  happy that you like it.  As an EDC, can we hear about your experiences with it as a user, when you have had a chance to spend some time with it?

See thread :-)

It is fantastic!

Syd Carr said:

Yup, a mini review is in order here. If that knife is as good as it looks it should be great.

congrats on your new trestle pine luke!

Thought this was as good as any place to let you know the next trestle pine is being made.   http://tsakblog.com/

The next Trestle Pine Knives release is off the drawing boards and ready to go to production the first of the year.  I took some of the comments from the poll earlier this fall and implemented some suggestions along with a couple of my own ideas and we’ll see how it works out.

What I have coming is a Barlow that will measure around 3.5″ closed.  I vacillated on one or two blades and settled on a single 154CM blade in a drop point pattern.  Nearly everyone responded very positively to the 154CM choice in the Superior so I thought it was worth sticking with. 

This seems an appropriate place to post this, click on the big link right blow this and enter to win at Greg's site!

TSA Knives, LLC Christmas Giveaway!!

Christmas Giveaway! YES!!!!  A Freebie!!!!

At first I considered some sort of a contest related to the weather (with which we northerners have a serious preoccupation with this time of year).  But quite honestly, so far this winter has been totally uneventful and the next 30 days doesn’t show much indication that’s gonna change!!!  The biggest question will be if we have snow on Christmas morning or not.  (I’m betting not)  Amazing winter so far.

I had a couple of quirky ideas and finally decided to just keep it simple.  After all, it just seems like a Christmas Giveaway should be something effortless for everyone.

First…. the ‘prize’.  The next Trestle Pine Knives release is scheduled for production in late January.  If you follow the blog, you’re probably aware it’ll be  a Barlow with a drop point EZ open 154CM blade.  Handles will be the recovered old growth wood.  I don’t have any pictures I can post to show you what it will look like, but I think you’ll like it!

All you have to do to be considered in the drawing is post a response telling me you’d like to be included.  You don’t have to be a customer, a collector, know any secret handshake, …. all you have to be is interested in winning the knife.  Simple enough?

We’ll leave this open to entries until Christmas Eve.  There will be a drawing on Christmas day to choose a winner.

I wish to be included of course, but after registering I still cannot post on his site. Any suggestions?

Jan Carter said:

This seems an appropriate place to post this, click on the big link right blow this and enter to win at Greg's site!

TSA Knives, LLC Christmas Giveaway!!

Christmas Giveaway! YES!!!!  A Freebie!!!!

At first I considered some sort of a contest related to the weather (with which we northerners have a serious preoccupation with this time of year).  But quite honestly, so far this winter has been totally uneventful and the next 30 days doesn’t show much indication that’s gonna change!!!  The biggest question will be if we have snow on Christmas morning or not.  (I’m betting not)  Amazing winter so far.

I had a couple of quirky ideas and finally decided to just keep it simple.  After all, it just seems like a Christmas Giveaway should be something effortless for everyone.

First…. the ‘prize’.  The next Trestle Pine Knives release is scheduled for production in late January.  If you follow the blog, you’re probably aware it’ll be  a Barlow with a drop point EZ open 154CM blade.  Handles will be the recovered old growth wood.  I don’t have any pictures I can post to show you what it will look like, but I think you’ll like it!

All you have to do to be considered in the drawing is post a response telling me you’d like to be included.  You don’t have to be a customer, a collector, know any secret handshake, …. all you have to be is interested in winning the knife.  Simple enough?

We’ll leave this open to entries until Christmas Eve.  There will be a drawing on Christmas day to choose a winner.

Yep, this just in from Greg

Problems leaving a comment?

Quick note, if you’re having a problem or can’t leave a comment on the blog, even though you may have previously registered if you haven’t commented recently you will have to create a new account to leave a comment.  If you’re a new poster, I have to approve the comments before they show up so have patience.  If you’re still having trouble drop me an email and I’ll get ya going!!

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