Merry Christmas Everyone,

Does anyone know the best and least expensive way to obtain these parts and services for a Aluminum Cold Steel AK47 Axis Ultra Lock and a Cold Steel Scimitar folding knives?

Thank You Very Much


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First step should always be contacting the maker and seeing if they are able to repair any of the parts for it. Some makers (such as spyderco) don't keep any parts for old knives so you end up being out of luck for using their warranty.

Iv commonly found needed knife parts on Knifekits.com I would suggest contacting cold steel first to see what size screws, and washers the knives use. You won't be able to fine a replacement blade unless it was removed from another knife, maybe watch ebay for that. 

Hi Adam,

Thanks For the reply. I sent in a couple to Cold Steel and they came back in worse condition and very poorly packed. They could not give me any idea of the screw type other than it's a T-6. It is a cone shaped screw with a stainless steel color.

I will try the place you mentioned as both knives are no longer made.



David please let us know if your able to utilize this avenue and what happens??

A source I've personally been pleased with is the aforementioned Knifekits.com. I have not one single complaint relative to that business ..and.. I've used them a bunch !!!

Knifekits' washer selection.

Knifekits' screw selection.

David .. when you stated .. "these parts" .. would you be more specific. e.g screw with torx T6 head but unknown threads .. washers with an O.D of 0.xxx" & an ID of 0.xxx" .. etc. Pics next to a ruler are helpful .. any further & more detailed info is helpful ......... measurements .. dimensions .. etc.

Help us help you, Dave. We've an eclectic group here .. someone will have a source .. if we know exactly what is being sought.



I'll do my best.

I don't have a good camera (no cellphone) so that's part of the problem.

Thanks For your help everybody,


David .. when you state .. "cone shaped screw" .. is it this general appearance ???What's pictured is a "flat head" screw.
Which part of the knife is it (are they) used in .. is it being used to secure the scales in place .. is it part of a threaded pivot pin (unlikely) .. what is the head diameter .. what is the length of the threaded portion .. what is the overall length .. what is the diameter of the top of the head .. what is the diameter of the threaded section .. can you guestimate the threads per inch (lay next to a ruler & count the # of threads present in 1/4" & then multiply by 4 .. I'm assuming the threaded portion of the screw is not exactly 1 inch long .. that'd be way too easy) .

e.g. .. the diameter of the threaded section will allow us to narrow it down to the "family" of screw you're seeking. That would be a big start. In the absence of a camera .. cut & paste a pic of a similar product you find on the net ..or..  how about a simple dimensioned sketch. Never fear .. there will be no critique of the "art work / sketch". We're just here to help.


I was not impressed when I asked what size or scale screws and the support told me T 6? I was hoping for thread and length measurements.

There are actually 3 knives I'd like to get repaired if possible.

1) Cold Steel Aluminum AK 47 Ultra Lock Knife Blade ( needs blade polished or something and washers). See Pictures.

2) Cold Steel Scimitar (needs scale screws like the picture you posted, washers and a new stop pin). They sent it back with a stripped screw head and has blade play.

3) Cold Steel TI-LITE Titanium Model 26S Folding Knife (Washers, Screws & Stop Pin) has blade play.

Too bad there is not a knife graveyard where pares can be bought and sold !

The threaded fasteners & washers I'm confident can be obtained .. we'll simply need the details required to identify the appropriate units. The stop pin is "probably" purchasable .. if not some odd proprietary design. Again .. take a look @ Knifekits.com .. stop pins.
As mentioned earlier ..  blade replacement is a completely different story. Your best bet there ..imo.. is to buy a used unit & cannibalize the desired blade. However .. if you just desire it polished .. that is obtainable.


I need to ask .. does there exist a strong emotional attachment. i.e. it would likely be less expensive to simply purchase new units.

David said:

Too bad there is not a knife graveyard where pares can be bought and sold !

David .. I apologize if all this seems not that helpful.

Might I suggest .. posting a similar query over in the Cold Steel Club group. Someone there may already know the required details relative to identifying the threaded fasteners, washers, & stop pin.

Re: the blade. I saw no apparent damage to the blade in the pics you posted .. broken tip .. chipped or deformed cutting edge .. etc.  If it's just a good polish you desire .. a quite respectable finish can be obtained via a dremel tool .. buffing wheel attachment ..&. polishing rouge. Seriously.


David .. have you a hobby shop locally available .. one that caters to RC cars, airplanes, helicopters, hobby drones, model RR, etc. ???

If so .. I suggest taking the required threaded fastener to them. If they have stock on small screws & such .. which they should .. they'll possibly / probably be able to identify the required type & either have stock or be able to order said unit.

Ace, Lowes, Menards ... may have enough stock to be able to identify the screw size & thread count. They'll probably not stock it w/ a torx head ..but.. once the screw size & thread count are identified .. you can order torx units via the internet.

.... just a thought.


Great Idea!!!

So far I've tried Ace and Home Depot with no luck. I'll call the Knife Kits web store tomorrow.

Is there a place I could send them in to be professionally repaired that wouldn't cost to much?I'm unsure if I have the equipment and dexterity to do the repairs myself.

Thanks for everyone's help.

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