Sounds to me like someone has taken the NKCA money and run.  I have been and I know other NKCA members have been trying to get in touch with this Lisa Sebenick (Davis, Boyles).  To no avail.  I have some possible leads and have called her grandson. He was secretary/treasurer of NKCA but he does not answer.  I think if we can get a list of the members that paid for the 2014 club knives that the list can be forwarded to the Attorney of Tennessee for legal action.  Which I think should be done.  

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Hello Ike, I don't know what is going on with the NKCA but it looks like they have disappeared with a lot of business not tended to. In my case and many others we paid close to $200.00 for a 2015 club knife that never showed up. Thanks to Jan's advice I got my money back through my credit card company and I may still be able to get the knife from Prater. Even with getting my money back and being able to buy the knife anyway, I would like to see NKCA be around, continue to collect the knives and support the organization. Right now I do not feel comfortable transacting any business with NKCA.


I wish I had an answer to that question.

This was a great organization and to see it end on this note just tears at my heart. Being a life member there are a few things I can tell you.  In July of this year, another member here posted this to FB  https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10203331223440789&set=o...

I believe that it is time for all 'NKCA' members to call for a 'General Election' of officers and a 'BOD'.

Giving credit where credit is due for current officers, it is time to move on. I am not placing blame or throwing shade at anybody for past performance. The 'past' is over and done with. The future of the 'NKCA' hangs in the balance. If you value this organization, please make yourself heard as I am doing and help start the 'wheels in motion' for a new president and a 'BOD'. This can be accomplished sending a letter of request or a 'post' here. Full disclosure; I am not seeking any 'NKCA' office or 'BOD' position. I am, however, an 'NKCA' Life Member who deeply regrets not taking a stronger stand during the 'Cargill' presidency when the Chattanooga 'NKCA' museum could have still been saved. 'NKCA' members, elect a president and a 'BOD' that will return the 'NKCA' to a financially sound, visible and credible organization that its members will be proud of.
Thank you

The type of organization that the NKCA is filed under means that ANY member can ask for a list of members, a copy of the annual financial report and can call for a vote to replace the President and board.

  According to the website the address is NKCA   PO Box 21070    Chattanooga, TN     37424-0070.  I would assume any of the above processes would be started with a certified letter being sent there.

For many years I have considered Lisa a friend, I have tried very hard to avoid this conflict.  I cannot however sit back and watch the NKCA name be dragged through the mud and the members feeling like they have no voice.  You pay dues and that means you DO have a voice 

I stopped doing business with the NKCA about 20 years ago.  I ordered an annual knife and did not receive it.  Called to follow up on the order and was told that I had not ordered a knife.  The phone conversation was quite rude and even after I proved payment with a copy of the check still had to battle with them to get my life number etched on it. 

Ike, I don't think you need to have a large group of dis-satisfied members in order to get legal action started.  Just write a letter to the Attorney General of Tennessee and include terms like "corrupt business practices", "extortion through omission", and "embezzlement".

I had some contact with Lisa back in Nov, after many months of trying to contact her via phone, email, text, FB, etc.  She finally responded, and I texted back and forth with her for roughly 1/2 hour.  She claims that all who put money down for a knife will get their knives, although she can't say when.  She is still trying to settle NKCA debt, and gather funds to fulfill the pre-orders.  Also, as of Oct 2015, the NKCA is officially done and closed.  However she is still attempting to make sure the last year knives are made and sent out.

The NKCA knives were the heart of my collection since I was a kid.  I am sad to see it fizzled away.  I don't know enough about everything to point fingers at anyone, to reason how this giant organization could be bankrupt and closed.  As of only 2 years ago, there were still 3,500 members.  Perhaps the combination of life members not needing to pay yearly dues, and all the internet forums where folks can easily talk and compare knives, the organization kind of lost its steam and direction.

Since it's been over 2 years for me since I paid for my knife, I'm not sure if I can get a refund from my credit card or not.  I'd like to think I'll get the knife from the NKCA, but it really is doubtful.  I've lived without the money for this long, I suppose I can wait a little longer.  But I will continue to pester Lisa every so often and try to get updates.


Thank you, I did not want to share your conversation without giving you the opportunity.

I see many directions this great organization could still go but not the direction it was.  In this day and age it takes much less funding to have an organization that it did in the hayday!  Magazines can be published on line for nothing but your time and article fees ( if you even have those).  This organization would live and thrive if it would become heavily involved with Knife Rights, AKTI and the like.  Just like the NRA has members behind them to help keep momentum, those two organizations could use another 3500 members behind them.  The custom makers would return to the fold if just once a month, one was the focus of an email blast.

I am by no means saying this is easy, it takes someone that CAN dedicate the time to make it work.  Another opportunity would be to obtain the members list and start all over, reorganize.  But again it would take a dedicated board  

Thanks to all who replied   I have been a life member of NKCA for 28 years and have all the knives since inception of NKCA.  Never had a problem before.  I payed with paypal back in May of 2014.  I contacted paypal and there is nothing they can do now.  Also contacted Doug Short (706-820-7300) who works for Pratter Knives and he indicated that they did do some work for the 2014 NKCA knives but returned them back to I think Lisa because they were not getting paid.  I also have attempted to call...email..etc. to try and get ahold of anyone but get nothing back.  Very frustrating when you have paid over $300.00 in good faith.  Even if NKCA would be re-established I have lost all faith in them.  

I was willing to help the NKCA with my time before, but my offer wasn't needed.  But my offer still stands. I am unable to head such an endeavor, or fund a project like this, but I again would be more than willing to donate my time and skills to help those who may wish to revive the NKCA, or start a similar endeavor.  The knife community is so huge, it seems unbelievable that there isn't a united group that is the flagship for us all to follow.

I understand your frustration Ike.  Without exaggeration, I called and emailed and texted and Facebook messaged Lisa 2-3 times a week for 4 months straight before she responded to me.  My hope was that the squeaky wheel would get some grease.  I don't imagine many people would have the same success, but you may.  I have had some history with Lisa in the past, documenting the NKCA knives, and buying some prototypes from her.  I used to communicate with her multiple times per week from 2010 - 2013.

I have also tried to contact Lisa to no avail, I paid for the club knife and have not received it. I agree that some action should be taken at least to get some answers.


I know that some folks have filed with the BBB in Kentucky to get reimbursed for their money they paid up front for the knives.  I have also heard rumors on the net that the local sheriff for that county was involved with talking with Lisa to get some resolve for members, although I can't confirm if this is true.

If it is true that there are still 3000+ members of the NKCA, where are all these people?  It's hard to have a common voice and demand action/results when there only seems to be 3 or 4 people willing to speak up.  We need 500 members push this issue and get our knives made and delivered, or send out refunds to every single person.

       I have been a member of the NKCA since 1984 and a life member since about 1990, I mourn the demise of the comradery and fellowship of the annual show in Chattanooga. I was in government service and unable to attend any of the other shows. However when the knife show stopped and the museum closed I lost touch with all of my friends except a few local ones. I would love to see a resurrection of the club or even another national club that could have local chapters that could meet and fellowship monthly. 

       Perhaps that could be possible for the iKC.


I had the opportunity to speak with a new iKC member today about this subject.  I will tell you all the same thing I advised her.  I cannot fix the current issues and I by no means want to run an NKCA, but I don't want that membership to be feeling left out in the cold either.  The NKCA members need a place to discuss what they want to do with their club.  THAT I CAN offer, right here.


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