We have a great group "EDC Club" and has a lot of good topics, but no place really to post your EDC. And you have to be a member of that club to post on that group. I have been using a couple of posts in that group for my EDC's but does not relate to the topic.

SO - how about an ongoing Discussion with pictures of what you are carrying today?.

What are your favorite EDC's?   What is your EDC lineup?

This will be for all IKC members, not just members of the EDC group.

So Post those Everyday Carrys and show us what you are carrying today.

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My EDC today is my Colonial Model 105 automatic.

today my EDC was (is) that : the 2 knives are made by french knife maker (Sacha Thiel for the first one, Torpen for the second)

I like the top one! Are those slipjoints?

yes the 2 are slipjoint and  the second is made with ball bearing system :-)

Bear & Son  Incognito

David, that is a nice Bear!  How is it as a user

I really like it.  Great size and blade shape.  I like the button for both the release and the lock.  Good snap.  If it were bigger I would want a titanium or aluminum handle but this is small enough that the steel handle handle is still reasonable weight. 

Jan Carter said:

David, that is a nice Bear!  How is it as a user

It was the blade shape that got me.  I did not know it locks and releases with the button, that makes it even better

I left my stockman on the nightstand and picked this up and dropped it in my pocket, instead.

Póboy proud.

That's awesome, J.J.

J.J. Smith III said:

I left my stockman on the nightstand and picked this up and dropped it in my pocket, instead.

Póboy proud.

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