My apologies for not seeing this sooner! I have neglected this page a little. I must admit it is because I am not sure exactly how it works. I hope you get this message.
We have been in contact through Facebook mostly, but I have not yet received any information on Bill Sonneville from you. But I would love to! On him, his knives or on his wife Billie.
Craig M. Bozorth's Comments
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Good day Craig,
My apologies for not seeing this sooner! I have neglected this page a little. I must admit it is because I am not sure exactly how it works. I hope you get this message.
We have been in contact through Facebook mostly, but I have not yet received any information on Bill Sonneville from you. But I would love to! On him, his knives or on his wife Billie.
I'll keep an eye on this page now, I promise.
Best regards,
Happy Birthday Craig!
Happy Birthday Craig!
A new addition; Bee Keepers knife that dates to the 1850's.
Thanks to soo many of you who wished me a happy birthday; I am touched.
Thanks everybody for the kind thoughts on my birthday.
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