Rocky Howard's Comments

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At 19:13 on May 8, 2024, Jan Carter said…

iKC Community Rules

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Best Photo upload size?  640x480

and join us in the chatroom if you have any questions or just want to chat

At 21:34 on May 2, 2024, Lars Ray said…

Man, isn't that the truth. Somehow my wife can tell when I've gone 6 months or more without having purchased something....even a rusted up old thing. It's just in the blood. One member you'll want to get to know is Dead Left Knife Guy...we call him DLKG. He's always posting which knife shop is having free shipping and what-not. He doesn't help my knife diet, that's for sure!

As far as being a student of the history - oh brother, you'll get your fill here, that for sure. I don't have enough life time to learn what many of these folks around here have forgotten. It's one of the reason I like hanging around here...always something new going on. 

At 17:51 on May 2, 2024, Lars Ray said…

Hi Rocky - welcome to iKC - we're glad you're here!

JJ is right - you may want to grab a cup or 2 of coffee...and maybe some munchies too! You can spend hours at a time surfing around here....and that's just looking at all the great knives and collections! Just a word of caution though....building your photo library here is not a competitive sport. But....the more you have, the more we like you...just sayin'  :-D

I hope you enjoy exporing everything, and please feel free to add comments on anything that interests you. A great way to kick start a new conversation is by reviving an old one - so don't let those "2011" or "2015" last comments hold you back. 

Have fun!

At 13:12 on May 2, 2024, J.J. Smith III said…

Look around and see what all we have here.  (Might want to get a cup of coffee or 2).  Jump in and have some fun. 

At 11:28 on May 2, 2024, J.J. Smith III said…

Howdy, Rocky. 

Welcome to iKC.  It's good to have you here.

White River Knives

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