thanks for the add fellas , mostly collect firearms and associated Bayos , but have been falling into a couple military knives , so i kinda got the bug
Thank you J.J. for adding me to the forum. I enjoy seeing and learning about all types of knives and their history. I will contribute where I can and I'm certain to learn a lot from the members here.
Thank you for the welcome. I've always been fascinated with pocket knives. I've carved for about 40 years. As I "age" I would like to do more carving with pocket knives. Pat
Hello, I'm writing for my husband John. He is not computer savvy and I do all his emails,etc. Also, John had a hemorrhagic stroke last September. He is doing well and trying to get back to normal though it will take another few months. John inherited a great knife collection from his father who died young in 1972. John has been adding to that collection all these years. He thinks his most valuable knives were the ones he inherited. At the age of 77 he would really like to know the value of what he has. How would we go about finding that out? We have four children and five grandchildren and we would like to know what to pass down to them and perhaps what could be sold. Thank you, Linda Colmore
Thanks for welcoming me to the group. My father was the actual collector. I am the inheritor. I think some are collectible and some are not. I have included pictures of what i am working with.
J.J. Smith III's Comments
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thanks much
Thank you, J.J. I guess I was approved then.
Thank you J.J. Good to be here.
Thanks for the welcome, J. J. Hey, did that Dalton show you posted about happen to be in Dalton, Ohio? I am about 20 mins from there.
Thank you so much. Impressive!!! I couldn't dig up anything.
Thank you for the warm welcome.
navigating the site is different , confusing the way its laid out, posting pictures didnt work even tried a host site
thanks for the add fellas , mostly collect firearms and associated Bayos , but have been falling into a couple military knives , so i kinda got the bug
Thanks for the welcome J.J.!
Thank you J.J. for adding me to the forum. I enjoy seeing and learning about all types of knives and their history. I will contribute where I can and I'm certain to learn a lot from the members here.
Take care, Rocky
Thank you, I feel fortunate to have found your site. Thank you for letting me join.
Thank you JJ, for letting me into the forum.
Thank you for the welcome. I've always been fascinated with pocket knives. I've carved for about 40 years. As I "age" I would like to do more carving with pocket knives. Pat
Hello, I'm writing for my husband John. He is not computer savvy and I do all his emails,etc. Also, John had a hemorrhagic stroke last September. He is doing well and trying to get back to normal though it will take another few months. John inherited a great knife collection from his father who died young in 1972. John has been adding to that collection all these years. He thinks his most valuable knives were the ones he inherited. At the age of 77 he would really like to know the value of what he has. How would we go about finding that out? We have four children and five grandchildren and we would like to know what to pass down to them and perhaps what could be sold. Thank you, Linda Colmore
Thanks for welcoming me to the group. My father was the actual collector. I am the inheritor. I think some are collectible and some are not. I have included pictures of what i am working with.
Thanks for the greeting. I am trying to figure out how to add some photos of knives I purchased recently.
Thank you!
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