Is knife weight a factor when you are buying a knife??? i can see it being a factor in a military or hiking were more poundage means more work... but personally i don't care that my ka-bar is heavy and bulky, but its bullet proof when i need it and it gets it done... if there's a significant trade off for the extra weight I'm probly willing to do so...
My 2 cents: Actually, I like a very sold feel in my knives. Not a hollow light weight, but some "poundage." While that adds weight and can be heavy, it just feels good in my hand, and in my pocket...I guess if I were running a marathon and it was bouncing around in my pocket, then I'd go for a thin/light pig sticker.
I equate a "sold feel" to quality.
Weight and concealment factor is always an issue for me, especially the latter one as carrying a knife in a public setting anywhere in this country if you're not actively working as a carpenter or such will land you a court sentence.
I usually carry two to three knives. One Spyderco P'kal since the clip and low-carry of it doesn't make it stand out. In the breast pocket I carry a small little HHH buckeye folder which is very non-threatening and easy to flip inside your fist to quicly conceal it.
When I have to travel through bad "hoods" I hook up with some more hardware. A boot knife, the P'kal, a spring-assisted knife in the inside of my jacket arm if I were to clinch and tie up with someone, easy to deploy and stab with.
And ofcourse a neck knife if anyone wants to grab my head in a wrestle hold, usually the Spyderco Swick.
right dude... always be prepared [i believe that's the boy scouts motto ]... my motto is very close to that, When SH** hits fan be ready and equipped... (ready as in a ready state of mind)(equipped as in having the right tools for the task at hand)
which gose hand in hand with my answer to the famous question of "why are you carrying a weapon" well the answer is "im not carrying a weapon im carrying a tool" then if they ask why are you carrying a tool you say "last time i checked carrying tools was legal"... at this point you have stumped the officer or nosy ped and/or pissed them off...
I agree entirely. In essence everything is tools that humans made until we turn them into weapons as we assault others. And what many may miss is that there is a plethoria of an armory everywhere you go. A park stool can be used with deadly force, so can a hammer and so on, the possibilities are endless.
I don't assault people, the hardware I carry is so that I might have a chance at stepping out of the shittiest situation imagineable alive or at least give me a fighting chance to keep my life.
I've been taken once when I wasn't prepared and was just dillydalling my way as a young teen and it almost killed me. So even if I have to serve jailtime I will keep carrying my kit, for my sake and for others.
Two young girls has recently been raped in this area, one was raped and then killed with a hammer. I really wish I was there so that idiot could direct his rage towards me instead (just hope he wouldn't try to rape me... Bit dark joke but I really wish I was at that place when it happened lol)
Nick, your mentality regarding hardware kits are very similar to mine. Do you do like me and go with the mobility and concealment factor or are you one of those guys with a huge bowie at your waist wherever you go? lol
I just read your topic post and it seems you have a ka-bar, something you still walk around with? There are some alternatives to big blades that come in "smaller" packages, something like the Lone Wolf T5 Ranger might suit you? It comes with a molle clip so it's good to go out of the box.
Very sturdy construction from my experience, handles batoning logs and such with rather ease, it is a tad shorter than what I prefer for batoning wood, but for a big knife it's a great example.
That and that the lockup is the nastiest lock-up sound of all knives, sounds like a shotgun being cocked lol, very authorative so to speak :) (flip it up and watch how everyones view instantly goes to you haha)
edit: The first girl was 15, the one that got murdered. The second girl was 13 and it was 4 or 5, I don't quite remember how many, guys having their way with her... Sick f*cks...
dats messed up i must say... i carry my sog flash 2 on me then i have the kabar in my back pack which stays in my jeep (some times)...
in my pack i have 2 sweet shirts (in freezer bags so they wont get wet or smelly), my tac light [nitecore r2] with extra lithium battery's, note book, multi tool [compete with bits], deodorant, some times an extra set of close, oh and condoms (lol)... plus ka-bar and a bench made rescue hook attached to the shoulder straps
hay i said always be prepared... i like to take my girl off roading in my jeep and i never know were that combo might land me...LOL
I gotta say it does .. the Case Culock was my EDC for yrs .. contoured for better fit to my hand .. wgt reduction also resulted ..
I hesitated purchasing the Queen .. bulkier/heavier in the pocket concerns .. really noticed it @ 1st when changed to the Queen as EDC .. bulkier/heavier frame .. It WAS noticable for awhile .. Queen's D2 blade steel won out !!!