The community of knife collectors want to be able to say "Welcome". So, please let us know you have joined up with us here at iKnifeCollector- the next generation knife collector community

Tags: New, Welcome-, iKnifeCollector, members

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Hello gentlemen (and ladies?),

came acrosse the website a while ago. Looks pretty cool so I thought I'd play.

I'm mostly a hobbyist knifemaker. I collect a little. I use everything I both make and collect.

Not much to tell really other than that.


Thanks for the warm welcome from those people that already welcomed me here on the site.





Glad to have you and thanks for posting some pictures.  We would love to see more

Thanks Jan,

I'll be posting a few more today. (I ran into the upload limit yesterday). And whenever I finish something I'll also get that on here.

To all the new arrivals, that I havent been able to send a message out to,  just wanted to send a message here, till I can get back on a full time basis,

Glad to have you here.


I feel a tshirt coming on with that sign on the back

I think its time to Welcome just a bunch of New Members! If you need any help getting settled let me know. In the mean time introduce yourself and say Howdy!

WELCOME everyone!!


I'm pretty new too, and they're real nice around here! They even let me put my feet up on the coffee table.....with no shoes on!

I'm with Craig.  Pull up a chair, put your feet up and relax...Your among friends here so have some fun

Hi Scott -

My name is Andy, and I joined up after Bob from OldHundredCollectibles.com told be about the site.


I am 50 years old and have been a knife "appreciator" since my high-school days when my friends and I carried Buck 110's or 112's (my favorite Buck) - even to school. It was a different time for sure.


I love all kinds of knives - I have several handmade custom fixed blades, a lot of titanium frame-locks, quite a few traditional slip-joints (including some vintage), and of course several vintage Buck 112's.


The IKC software is a little different than the "usual" vbulletin forum, but it is a nice place with friendly people.


Thanks for allowing me in!


best regards -



Hi Andy!

welcome to the site!


Welcome aboard Andy.  Great place to hang your hat.

We are certainly glad to have you with us Andy

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