Hey who all on here hunts, and if so what do you hunt? What are some of your favorite game to hunt?

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Wow, thats a nice veiw. Some people hunt in the feilds around here but I hunt in the woods. My choice. Thanks for the picture.

Yeah, unfortunately we don't own much woodland, it's all fields really. We do have a little hollow thats perfect for squirrel hunting, but deer would be too crowded with trees. We seem to get some deer out every year, but it's nice to visit other properties and hunt the differing terrain. 

I'm heading back to my camp today, I have a hunter coming today and another one Friday, not sure when I'll get back on the computer. Ya'll have good luck.


Wow, no snow yet?  Great view from the stand though.

No snow yet Jan, it's raining, but it's just not cold enough yet. I'm sure we'll get buried, we've been getting a lot of snow in the last couple years, it's been making up for all the weak winters we had before. 

Robert, good luck and bag some good game, I'm sure you will have a blast. Bring back some great memories to share. : )

I'm back early, my mon needs an emergency vascular sergery on her leg tommorow. My good fiend killed an 8point and my guest killed a doe. I'll try post pictures later. 

Just went out looking for some Xmas steaks, and we had a good time.Nathan my son shot his first Blesbuck,  plus a guinea fowl.

Andre de villiers said:

Ok thats a good deal hey, although your time frames to hunt are very short. 

We don't have state land to hunt on in South Africa, its mostly all private, and you have to pay the going rate about $120+ to shoot a Blesbuck. Out hunting season is from June to end August {3 months}

I was up in Alabama once with a friend. He  has a camp up there where they hunt, nice land there and great people.


Just went out looking for some Xmas steaks, and we had a good time.Nathan my son shot his first Blesbuck,  plus a guinea fowl.

Andre de villiers said:

Ok thats a good deal hey, although your time frames to hunt are very short. 

We don't have state land to hunt on in South Africa, its mostly all private, and you have to pay the going rate about $120+ to shoot a Blesbuck. Out hunting season is from June to end August {3 months}

I was up in Alabama once with a friend. He  has a camp up there where they hunt, nice land there and great people.

Look at the good heart shot. Taken at about 60m .Buck ran about 40m and went down.lThats my Boy!!!

Congrats all the way around. Real nice!

Thanks Robert, I am sure my son will remember that for a good  while.


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