We all have survival instincts….some more than others.  I would like to hear from my fellow iKC members what two edged tools and or weapons you would choose to face the unthinkable, say on December 22nd, 2012.  The problem presented is you are limited on what you can carry to survive.  Your situation is as follows:

You are on the move with family and or friends.  You have vehicle transportation but everyone knows the gasoline will run out.  So it is a real possibility you will be packing everything you need on your back.

You are presently in the Kansas City metropolitan area and have plans to migrate to a safer area near Fredericksburg Texas where your Uncle has a 160 acre farm.  Your two vehicle caravan has enough gasoline to make it to around the northern Oklahoma boarder if you drive down I-35.  I-35 is known to be dangerous so you may want to take the back roads foraging for supplies and gasoline.

What two edged tools or weapons would you take?  Now justify your choices?

It is given you will take a firearm or firearms, supplies and trading material.  To our European family….it was a bad time to visit us in Kansas City and your along for the ride.  Your in the USA so you have everything, big and small, all at your fingertips.  Also, people in Fredericksburg speak lower German so you may be able to communicate with them without English.

This will be fun.  No Jan you and your lesser half can not take all those very nice collectable knives. LOL!

Views: 727

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Nice looking knife and leather sheath.  I like the art work on the sheath.  The most of the knives I gave away were samples sent to me.  A few I bought at dealer and gave away.  I was in Iraq working with these heroes so it was easy to give them the knives and watch them go about their day using the gifts.



Thanks for the kind words of praise.  It must have been very gratifying to see them working with their new knives.  Keep up the good work!


Thanks Terry.

great job on that knife terry it looks nice sir...

Terry Waldele said:


I'll be looking forward to reading your articles.  BTW, giving your SOG knives to our Nation's heroes is really generous of you, and I'm sure the recipients treasure them and are grateful for such an iconic sign of respect.  I gave my nephew a SOG knife when he was deployed to Iraq, and he was very pleased to get it.  In fact, he said it was a great choice because so many of the troops carry them.  He's back home now and is an instructor at Camp Pendleton.  Personally, I have only one SOG knife, a small pocket knife, but would love to be able to afford a SOG Recon.  Now, that's a KNIFE!  I would also love to have SOG Bowie, so much so that I made my own version of that knife and a special sheath for it.  Here's a picture of it.

clint i hope you will post your finding about the sog's in our sog group thank you sir...

Clint Thompson said:


How true.  I have a new SOG auto which will be in an article I am writing.  The article is about the five best law enforcement duty knives for 2012.  I have a couple ahead of this one but it should be out late summer. 

This SOG Auto (Spec-Elite II Auto) is the knife I am writing about.  The Spec-Elite II and Spec-Elite I are vastly better than their older line of autos.  I was so happy to see SOG move forward on this one.

I have had many SOG knives but I give them to our Nation's heroes so they can enjoy and use them while keeping us safe.  I still have a few and will no doubt have more down the road.


Terry Waldele said:

Yeah, there's always a SOGgy "knife knut" who thinks SOGs should be given special treatment!  ;)

Clint Thompson said:

FOWL! No hiding SOG's.  But I don't blame you Stephen.

stephen tungate said:

i also like those knifes pat but i would have to hide a sog on me...

Clint Thompson said:

Great knives Pat.

Pat ChoKo said:

My choices, per usual. They haven't failed me yet!


The Beast

Donnie says HI!


This is a cool looking knife.  I will send a pictures of a true Godzilla Beast Knife very soon.  Tell Donnie I like his knife.


Jan Carter said:


The Beast

Donnie says HI!


If she were in charge of picking the knives for Bug Out...she would just go to the EDC table and pick out two.  She would be bound to be correct about 1 of them right?


Yes, right or wrong...she will be right.  LOL!  Any EDC would make good for small work.  Clint

Jan Carter said:


If she were in charge of picking the knives for Bug Out...she would just go to the EDC table and pick out two.  She would be bound to be correct about 1 of them right?

Jan and Donnie....


That Godzilla looks like it could eaily crush an entire city.  Awesome knife.  How big is that blade?

There are many knives called Godzilla (ゴジラ).  So which one are you referring to young lady? 


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