General INFO section...Knife world news and special links for input (POST THEM HERE) for all to enjoy!

I think over the years there have been so many knife sites and info sites, that I have read from page to page...that never get passed on to others and you end up having to surf to find them later..So I thought a special area earmarked just for those would be great...Since I am an avid Case collector and collector of the coke bottle shaped knives of all brands, there will be those links that interest me.

I hope to see the sharing of other members favorite info links so we can all have fast clicks to the world Library of Knives.



I found this one today similiar to others I have read but a simplified quick overview of the Case family history


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That is an awesome piece of history.  I have always wanted to take a metal detector and visit a few of these pieces of knife history. 

I bet you could find all kinds of neat stuff....nuts bolts metal filings...giggles

Jan Carter said:

That is an awesome piece of history.  I have always wanted to take a metal detector and visit a few of these pieces of knife history. 

Probably, that would be my luck.  The fun would be in the exploration.

Last year David Anthony was privileged to have a tour of the old Northfield factory.  There were some some special “finds” .  He had a great day and had some unfolded knife boxes and even some pristine onion skin for wrapping those originals. 

I had my own question today about how many knife companies were owned by SMKW.  This is an amazing reference of who owns who in the cutlery world!! 

Jan Carter said:

I will shamelessly add this to our list of excellent references and profusely thank Tobias Gibson for his hard work and genorosity in sharing with all knife folks



Miss Sue, thanks for an unrelenting flow of knife facts. I am sure with all the info you have produced for everyone that there must be a large amout of members that learn from your post. The knife hobby has so much to learn at so many levels and time periods, it simply amazes me. Please keep up your educational work.

No Robert, I have not completed anything on the antique remington knives yet....

Glad you like my other history of knives lessons.....SUE

Yes Miss Sue, you have at least one good student..lol  I think there's others that read your lessons but that don't want to let on, you know..

Found a little bit more on Western Knives.... INPUT INPUT


Incredible pic Sue, thank you

We certainly have come a long way in the knife world haven't we?

Yes we have!

Thanks Sue!


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