Just a few of my trappers, Case of course...


Tags: blade, knives, trapper, two

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Great lookin Trappers!!!

Dustin, when did Case do the long bar shield on the first Trapper in you original photo? I like that shield.

Picked this one up at the local pawn shop this evening.....was happy to take it off their hands!

Nice one Steven. Geez, here I go again. I need to get another Case mini Trapper. I use to carry one in a sheath years ago, 1970 10 dot (and a Peanut in the pocket).  They have it in CV.....and with a Wharncliffe blade......and in Amber Bone......and.......

Nice find.

Steven Matthew said:

Picked this one up at the local pawn shop this evening.....was happy to take it off their hands!

Thanks, I loved it!

This is the one I got from my wife on our 10 year anniversary 

Picked this guy up from the flea market today....

What are the handles on that Steven? That looks great!!

Limited Edition ivor quarts but the clip blade needs to be replaced

I like it!

Here are my trappers.

This one is a Buck 380 Mini Trapper


This one is a Case 6254 Trapper


Here is my Case Mini Trapper 3207


Here is Stone River knife I have.  I am not sure if it would be considered a trapper because of the blade.


White River Knives

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