The online community of knife collectors, A Knife Family Forged in Steel
Hosted by Stephen Tungate
In this group we talk about S.O.G.knives and what can be done with them, also show our newest S.O.G.finds..
Tags: special-ops-group-s-o-g-knives
Posted by Gregory.J on September 22, 2012
I have a question for the group I have 2 sog knives an early TOM CAT and STINGRAY both lightly used [which is cool as I can actually EDC them]but the black rubber hand grip on the little STINGER has started to lift a little , any info on the best adhesive to use? Thanks in advance for any help,Cheers Gregory J in Oz....
Reply by Jan Carter on September 22, 2012 at 5:36
i have the sog flash 11 this to me is a very good edc it is light weight tuff and most of all very quick.this knife will not wear your pocket like alot of tactical knifes if you carry it that way of course there is other ways to carry it .the clip is strong also it will stay were you put it.what is your guys thoughts?
knife collection=april 004.JPG, 2.3 MB
Reply by Chris Stookey on May 13, 2011 at 13:11
SOG has so many great knives that it's hard to pick one as just a "best EDC". For some time, I liked my Flash I as an EDC knife. Small, light, works well...just good stuff (which reminds me that I need to resharpen it). However, I've found that the Visonary I folder (the smaller one) is probably my favorite. It's a bit bigger than the Flash I, but still a very compact knife. It comes with the Arc Lock system, which I like. The zytel handles are super comfortable, don't tear up your pocket and still offer decent "gription" (though not quite as much as the Flash series). The pocket clip is the "bayonet" style and works perfectly. The knife isn't super roughly $65...but it's worth every penny
Reply by Chris Stookey on March 11, 2012 at 13:31
When the full-sized Aegis came out, I bought a couple (standard with satin blade, digicamo with black blade and tanto with tini black blade) and really enjoyed them. The standard model ended up being my favorite due to it's very practical configuration. The light weight was a plus, the blade shape is extremely handy and the shape of the handle offers great ergonomics. That said, I felt that the knife was really only applicable to light-medium duty tasks as the overall build-design will only take that moderate of use. In other words, I thought that the knife was too big for the design's structure. Well...out comes the Mini Aegis. I got one as soon as I could and it has been a regular part of my EDC for roughly two months. What a GREAT EDC blade! Whereas the Flash I is way too small for me, the larger Mini Aegis is "just the right size" for simple EDC...and all of the pluses that I mentioned for the larger model apply even "better" for the Mini. If you haven't tried one of these great knives out, you should. They run about $55...and you get quite a bit of knife for that money. I'd like to see SOG release one with VG-10 steel instead of Aus8a.
Reply by stephen tungate on March 11, 2012 at 16:43
very nice knife is the mini aegis also bigger than the flashII and do you think it would be a better edc than the flashII and you say they come with the vg-10 for about $55
Reply by Clint Thompson on September 13, 2011 at 12:58
I personally carry a folder for every day carry. Being a retired cop and an International Police Adviser, I also carry a firearm...mostly 1911 .45 acp. SOG is an excellent knife company who make top of the line cutting devices. My personal favorite is the Fatcat model. For overseas duty in those places.....where things go personal preference from SOG is the Creed. The Creed is designed to take punishment and can be turned from a tool to a weapon making it a dual purpose fix blade.
Posted by Terry Waldele on May 6, 2011
I was in a local sporting goods store (Dick's Sporting Goods) yesterday and met a guy at the knife counter that was looking for a good machete. He was thinking about buying Gerber's Gator. He was holding a used SOGfari Machete that he said he had used to cut some small pine limbs, and its blade was all but destroyed with deep dents and dings. He said he hadn't hit any nails or other metal while cutting the limbs, and he was amazed that a SOG product, which was stamped "China" on its blade by the way, would deteriorate so badly with such light useage.
I realize this sounds pretty incredible and that the guy might have been BS-ing us, so I take his complaint with a grain of salt. I have always been a SOG fan, ever since I saw a SOG Bowie in about 1984 that had reportedly seen action in the Viet Nam war. It was still in beautiful shape, with its deep blued blade, deep blued finger guard and pommel, and stacked leather handle.
Has anyone else had this kind of experience with SOG products recently?
Reply by stephen tungate on May 6, 2011 at 10:19
Hi Terry- I don't know a great deal about SOG knives or their machetes, but I do own an 18" black finish machete with a saw tooth spine and a handle guard made by Ontario Knives, here in the USA. I also own a couple acres of scrub pine, giant weeds and briars down here in FLA where I need a good machete just to whack my way thru it.
I've used this Ontario Knife Co. US made machete for about 5 yrs. and have abused the heck out of it, cutting down, up to 2" scrub pine. I've hit the ground with it and cut away 'tll I was exhausted and the blade was dull but a little time & a good oil stone easily restored the edge.
Granted, it wasn't sharp enough to suit me when I got it but I worked on it and it does a fine job now. I also had to surf around a bit until I found a matching nylon sheath which is handy to have.
Hope this helps?
Reply by Terry Waldele on August 13, 2011 at 23:15
Hi Kent,
Ontario makes great cutting tools. The fact that they're US made makes them even better. Thanks for your comments.
Reply by Shlomo ben Maved on August 17, 2011 at 0:11
Great reply! Very enlightening! Many thanks.
Anyone have one of these?
The SOG Toothlock is a new design expression from SOG. It combines SOG's high performance piston lock but with the addition of an assisted-open mechanism. Unlock the blade and partially open it and the assisted-open mechanism will rocket the blade completely open into a locked position. Why the name the Toothlock? Check out the shape of the lock bar with its two lobe geometry. This new technology merges with an assertive handle pattern that changes direction to match the tactile points on the hand. The 3 1/2" VG-10 blade shape is novel as well with a wavy reverse curve that cuts effortlessly while maintaining a thick reinforced tip for power penetration. The blade is ground to perfection and is reminiscent of ancient samurai designs. SOG-TK-01
Posted by stephen tungate on May 2, 2011
i know there is quiet a few sog collectors out there .please show your collection here so all of us can enjoy them..
Reply by Bill Fletcher on May 3, 2011 at 10:34
Reply by Billy Oneale on July 26, 2011 at 21:38
Reply by KENT GABLE on August 14, 2011 at 0:15
Gentlemen: that's really a handsome collection of SOG folding knives. I admit that I'm just not real familiar with SOG and was unaware that they made folders as well as fixed blade? I have viewed their website and noticed that their fixed blade knives looked very well made and I believe I have a pretty good eye for quality and (almost always) expensive products. It's just a cryin' shame that I ain't got the bread to go along with it.
As far as I know, SOG only makes their cutlery in either Taiwan or Japan? I do not doubt that the quality is there even though Taiwan IS China. I freely admit a preference for buying American made products but I also realize that quality made products are coming out of China more & more.
I have been a guitar (gitar) player for many years now and consider myself to be a fair picker and pretty good judge of fine gitars. A couple years ago I was trying out a few different Martins & Taylors at a shop and there was one going for $400 (peanuts for a quality gitar) and made in China. I had to be coerced into trying it but I have to admit that I was truly amazed at the quality of sound coming from that "axe" and for that price as well? Whether or not the sound will last and actually improve with age as do fine gitars, of course remains to be seen. I didn't buy it because I wasn't in the market anyway.
I'm afraid that we Americans have some pretty stiff competition coming out of Asia. Japan has long been known for it's expertise in quality sword making. I have no doubt that SOG is producing some very high quality cutlery and I'll be watching to see if anyone has any complaints about their knives?
As with anything of quality," it don't come cheap, brother."
Reply by wolfenburger on October 13, 2011 at 9:40Delete
Reply by Clint Thompson on November 7, 2011 at 13:05
Reply by stephen tungate on November 7, 2011 at 13:19
Have I told you lately how much I admire you? Thanks for keeping our folks working in the field smiling!!
Reply by Clint Thompson on November 7, 2011 at 20:01
There are many good people out there. The soldiers who's pictures I put in the SOG group were all heroes. We went through some wild times and mostly came out ok. I miss those youngsters.
Reply by Robert Burris on November 8, 2011 at 14:21
Stephen this is the only SOG i own now that I know og . I have had other SOG knives in the past and have never had any problems with them. some were very unique styles made in china. I do not know if this knife pictured above iwas made in china or not.can u help me with that? West Marine (retail Boating supplies) sold SOG that was my first exposure to their knives.Thanks for asking me to join the group. I am looking forward to purchasing more SOG knives and posting them for all to see. Thanks again Howard Maines.
.45ACP (Auto Ordanice Receiver Colt Slide) Built by, Chester Ostaguard Panama City FL 2000
Reply by ken benson on January 18, 2012 at 3:13
Reply by Terry Pitts on February 4, 2012 at 15:13
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There is a product out there that is like super glue but it is super thin so it will get all the way into the lift. It is called zap a gap. Be careful with it, it is very thin, takes just a drop and dont get it on your fingers. Let us know how the repair goes :)
Reply by Gregory.J on September 22, 2012 at 17:52
Thanks for the info Jan, hadn't heard of that product before, but we went straight to good ole fleabay and ordered a bottle from the US (doesn't seem to be a glue we have in Aus). I'll give it a go and let you know. The Stingray sure is a great little knife, it will be good to have it in tip-top condition again!!! Cheers...
Reply by stephen tungate on September 22, 2012 at 20:49
you can use a two part epoxy five minute dry time.thats what i use to put my knife scales on with that way you can get it were you need it before it if you have any trouble try that .you can pick it up at a home depot or lowes hardwares;;; and again thanks for join our team