Well, spring has made it to North Alabama.  As I was driving around town today, the temperature varied from 84 to 88.  The only question left is "When will we get our first 90 degree day?"  Will it be in April or will it wait until May?  And once we start having temps in the 90's, we will have them at least into September, if not October.  One day this past deer season, I was sitting in my deer stand sweating in late October.  If the temp wasn't 90, it was close to it.

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Spring has (finally) sprung here too. 86F today.

As is typical for spring around here, that storm system that stretches from Montreal to the Texas Gulf Coast is supposed to hit us tomorrow.  I just hope it is not a repeat of April 27, 2011.  We had 62 tornadoes in Alabama that day.  An F5 that travelled 130 miles missed my house by about 2 miles.

I HATE tornadoes!!!! Scary things!  I think they're the worst natural disaster. They're like a big monster hunting you down!

Yes, they are bad.  Those in 2011 killed about 200 people in Alabama.  The entire city of Huntsville, over a quarter of a million people, was black for a week because TVA's transmission lines serving the area were knocked out of service.  We couldn't use one of our nuclear power plants because the transmission lines were down.

I watched debris falling out of the sky for just about an hour.  A piece of metal roofing landed about 50 yards from where I was.

Craig Henry said:

I HATE tornadoes!!!! Scary things!  I think they're the worst natural disaster. They're like a big monster hunting you down!

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