It is nearing that time of year again.  Figured I would give everyone a heads up that I will again be doing a Christmas giveaway (similar in format to previous years, but with a unique twist).

So ... mark your calendars and check back on 15 November for the details.  The only stipulation for entry is that the giveaway will be open to those who have been members for at least 6 months prior to the start of the giveaway (joined on or before 15 May 2020).

***Christmas GAW is now OPEN!  See below.***

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Let's Make a Christmas Deal!!!!!

Okay .... it's that time. I have opened my Christmas 2020 GAW.  For complete details and instructions on how to enter, just go to this page on my web site.  Please note that I am becoming more lazy the older I get.  I don't create a page that lends itself very well for viewing on mobile devices ... so it is best to view on a computer!  Anyway here are the quick and dirty details with enough info to let you enter from this page):

1.  This GAW is open to all iKC members who joined on or prior to 15 May 2020.

2.  To enter the GAW, just submit an email using the information below under HOW TO ENTEROnly submit ONE email

3.  Last day for submission is December 5th, 2020.  I will use Random.org to select the winner.  Each entry will be numbered based on its order of receipt in my mail box.  I will select the winner on December 6th, 2020 and email the winner on that date.  If I do not hear back from the winner within 48 hours, I will select another (so be sure to check your email the evening of 6 December, or shortly thereafter).

4.  While I will not hold anyone to the following, I would request that:  1) the winner post a photo of him/herself with the knife on iKC and 2) if the winner decides to sell the knife at some point, he/she consider donating a portion of the proceeds to either his/her local animal shelter or the Sloth Sanctuary


Send me an email using this THIS LINK.  Using this link should correctly auto fill the subject line.  In the body of your message, include your name AND iKC user name.   If this link does not work or does not auto fill the subject line, you can email me directly at dhibar@verizon.net AND make sure you put IKCGAW (all caps) in the subject line.  Just IKCGAW, nothing else.  This will filter the message to a hold mail box to make it easier for me to keep track of the receipt times.  Remember, in the body of your message, include your name and iKC user name.  Again .... only submit one emailDeadline for submission is 5 December 2020.

Here we go ......

The winner gets this GEC 18:

Now (and this is where the Let's Make a Christmas Deal theme come in) .... if the winner is willing to gamble, can instead select something from behind one of these three doors.  Behind two of the doors are different knives.  Unfortunately, behind the one of the 3 doors is a big ole ZONK!  So ... the winner has to decide whether to go for a sure thing or gamble for a different knife and potentially end up being ZONKED!  If Zonked, I will choose a new winner who will receive the GEC 18.

We gotta dress up in funny outfits?

I'm already there then.

Love it!!!

LOL!  Love the contest Dennis and Thanks again for doing such a wonderful Christmas GAW

I would love to have that knife.   Thank You sir for blessing one of our members.  I really hope it goes to somebody that deserves it.   

I did not like clicking on that link trying to change my email. I went to Yahoo and I was signed  on.  I picked door number three.  I hope someone that never owned a GEC knife wins it.  This was fun , thank you. 

 Lol Kenny!!

This GAW makes me truly smile. Thank you so much for the opportunity to enter Dennis. I'd love to have an 18 and yet to experience one. Stag is a big fave for me.I truly hope everyone here is enjoying a beautiful and blessed holiday season. Holiday virtual hugs! ~T

Here's to you Dennis... Cheers! Thank you for the opportunity to enter in this GAW. That pocket worn stag is looking really nice on that Coyote. Merry Christmas... Happy Holidays. Stay tough n cool 

Well, a winner has been chosen!  The winner of my 2020 Christmas Giveaway is Ralph Nelson.  I have emailed Ralph and am awaiting word on whether he will choose the GEC 18 Coyote .... or risk it by choosing something from behind one of the three Christmas Doors!  Remember, behind two of the doors are great knives .... but behind a third is a big ole ZONK!

Wow... that’s fantastic. Thank you Dennis! I’m getting the fam ready for church and will get back with you later today.

I’m not much of a gamblin man but you’ve got me wondering what’s possibly behind those other doors. And who doesn’t enjoy little fun and games... - talk soon

Big congrats Ralph Nelson and thank you again Dennis for the opportunity. Merry Christmas everyone!

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