Ralph Nelson
  • Ogden, UT
  • United States
  • User/Collector
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Ralph Nelson's Friends

  • Kenneth W. Hill
  • Jan Carter

Ralph Nelson's Page

Latest Activity

Ralph Nelson commented on Jan Carter's group Daniels Family Knife Brands
"Those covers turned out great. How is the action on these barlows?? The Phoenix Jacks were like opening a bear trap... 8-9 pull "
Nov 12, 2021
Ralph Nelson commented on Ken Mundhenk's group Great Eastern Cutlery hosted by Ken Mundhenk
"A 72 run is long over due... can’t wait to see the 83s. "
May 29, 2021
Ralph Nelson replied to Scott King's discussion Member Needs & Prayer Requests
"I heard about his passing on facebook in the great eastern cutlery club. I've thought about Kenneth several times in the last 24 hours. I've prayed for him and his family. It's hard to believe he's no longer with us. We only…"
Feb 25, 2021
Ralph Nelson commented on Ken Mundhenk's group Great Eastern Cutlery hosted by Ken Mundhenk
"Thanks for the heads up and link to Risner's Jan. Can't wait to see some knife shows open up this year too."
Feb 1, 2021
Ralph Nelson commented on Jan Carter's group Daniels Family Knife Brands
"Wow! Those look great with the polished 154cm blades vs the damascus"
Jan 20, 2021
Ralph Nelson commented on Ken Mundhenk's group Great Eastern Cutlery hosted by Ken Mundhenk
"Fantastic news! Thanks for heads up Kenneth. Good luck everyone! "
Jan 11, 2021
Ralph Nelson left a comment for Kenneth W. Hill
"Hey Kenneth, thanks for the kind words. I've been trying to resist the secondary market but its been hard to get them from the dealers. I watch the GEC website for production updates then reach out to the dealers. I've been buying from…"
Jan 4, 2021

In Memoriam
Kenneth W. Hill left a comment for Ralph Nelson
"Mr. Kifer was very good to me this year helping me buy his SFO GEC#23LL Blue camel bone trapper.   Mr. Kifer stopped doing preorders .   It is a headache and too many problems.   I understand that .  Mr. Kifer is a…"
Jan 4, 2021

In Memoriam
Kenneth W. Hill left a comment for Ralph Nelson
"Hey Ralph ,  I want to help you find the knives of your dreams.  I hate Evil Bay and state taxes on my knives.  Blue Creek , TSA knives ,and JSR Sports & More are so jam up to buy knives from.   The best GEC knives are…"
Jan 4, 2021
Ralph Nelson commented on Ken Mundhenk's group Great Eastern Cutlery hosted by Ken Mundhenk
"Congrats on the Viper score. I've been reaching out to blue creek for the last 2 months and no luck with the viper drop. I had to buy my first Viper from secondary market for double the price. "
Dec 30, 2020
Ralph Nelson replied to Dennis Hibar's discussion My 2020 Christmas GAW
"Congrats! Chris, on winning the coyote. It was fun playing along. I want to wish you all a Merry Christmas. Thanks again Dennis for the opportunity... stay tough n cool. "
Dec 6, 2020
Ralph Nelson replied to Dennis Hibar's discussion My 2020 Christmas GAW
"Thanks everyone. I might be crazy for passing up a GEC stag coyote, but I'm having so much fun playing along. I've chosen door number 3... let's see what happens. Stay tuned.  "
Dec 6, 2020
Ralph Nelson replied to Dennis Hibar's discussion My 2020 Christmas GAW
"Wow... that’s fantastic. Thank you Dennis! I’m getting the fam ready for church and will get back with you later today. I’m not much of a gamblin man but you’ve got me wondering what’s possibly behind those other…"
Dec 6, 2020
Ralph Nelson replied to Dennis Hibar's discussion My 2020 Christmas GAW
"Here's to you Dennis... Cheers! Thank you for the opportunity to enter in this GAW. That pocket worn stag is looking really nice on that Coyote. Merry Christmas... Happy Holidays. Stay tough n cool "
Dec 3, 2020
Ralph Nelson commented on Ken Mundhenk's group Great Eastern Cutlery hosted by Ken Mundhenk
"These 74s turned out great. Who's going to have them available first?"
Oct 19, 2020
Ralph Nelson commented on Ken Mundhenk's group Great Eastern Cutlery hosted by Ken Mundhenk
"Looks like he did a great job Ken. I love both the blades but that Spey by its self looks awesome. I've always liked the spey too. Reminds me of the Case Classic Jumbo Trappers. Thanks for sharing. Here's a pic of my 23 in a Autumn…"
Sep 30, 2020

Profile Information

How did you hear about iKnifeCollector?
Do you currently subscribe to any knife publication (offline)
How long have you collected knives?
6- 10 years
Favorite Kind of Knives
GEC and Northwoods
About Me
Born and raised in Utah. Been collecting knives since 2010.
Real Estate, weight lifting
Other Hobbies
Riding my Harley, camping, fishing, biking, hiking

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At 2:59 on January 4, 2021,
In Memoriam
Kenneth W. Hill

Mr. Kifer was very good to me this year helping me buy his SFO GEC#23LL Blue camel bone trapper.   Mr. Kifer stopped doing preorders .   It is a headache and too many problems.   I understand that .  Mr. Kifer is a very nice man , recommend him too.  It is a miracle that we have not lost any of the GEC dealers this year.  I have been buying a few CASE XX   and many GEC knives this year.   We have to support our American knife companies and their dealers or we will lose them.     

At 1:39 on January 4, 2021,
In Memoriam
Kenneth W. Hill

Hey Ralph ,  I want to help you find the knives of your dreams.  I hate Evil Bay and state taxes on my knives.  Blue Creek , TSA knives ,and JSR Sports & More are so jam up to buy knives from.   The best GEC knives are yet to come.   Most dealers could care less , there is another collector to take your place.  Watch the GEC Web-sight , "schedule". As soon as you learn something , you have to contact  dealer with speed.  I am a goofy one arm with brain damage and an old slow computer.  I will never sell or trade a knife in my like and that gives me an edge.   I scored 7 Mustangs and I passed on a second black plum #74.  I am going to end up with 5 GEC#47 Vipers.   1/4/2021 , the #47 knives are all made.   Field&Farm  knives come in January , no word on that.   That is the time to save $$$$.   Do not give up on the #47s.     I know things !  "If I tell ya , I got to kill ya !"  Baw-ha !  Ha !  Ha !  Ha !  GEC knife buying is shark frenzy !  I almost quit many times.  111 GEC folders and one fix blade later , I am so happy I did not.     Men hate to be told "You can't have this !"   When you pay twice the price to a flipper , he gets a free GEC knife.  Resist !

At 21:59 on March 30, 2020, Ken Mundhenk said…

Ralph, Welcome to the Great Eastern Cutlery Group, we’re glad you joined us.

At 16:33 on March 30, 2020,
Jeremy B. Buchanan

Welcome aboard Ralph! 

At 12:55 on March 30, 2020, John Bamford said…

Welcome to iKC Ralph.

At 11:45 on March 30, 2020,
Charles Sample

Welcome to iKC Ralph!

At 11:42 on March 30, 2020, J.J. Smith III said…

At 9:07 on March 30, 2020, Jan Carter said…

The 5 top things to do when you join iKnifeCollector!

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White River Knives

Latest Activity

dead_left_knife_guy posted photos
7 hours ago
Carl Bradshaw commented on Jan Carter's group Daniels Family Knife Brands
20 hours ago
J.J. Smith III replied to Dennis Hibar's discussion A new iKC calendar and a new year of knives!
George R Naugle posted a photo
George R Naugle commented on lou gerrick's group REMINGTON KNIFE CLUB
Dennis Hibar replied to Dennis Hibar's discussion A new iKC calendar and a new year of knives!

Jeremy B. Buchanan commented on Jeremy B. Buchanan's photo
Jan Carter commented on Jeremy B. Buchanan's photo
Jan Carter commented on Jeremy B. Buchanan's photo
Jan Carter posted a status
"No chat tonight. We are praying Gus has a good outcome with a procedure"
George R Naugle posted photos
George R Naugle commented on lou gerrick's group REMINGTON KNIFE CLUB

Doug Ritter posted a discussion

Doug Ritter posted a discussion
Feb 22
Lars Ray commented on Jeremy B. Buchanan's photo
Feb 21
Lars Ray commented on Jeremy B. Buchanan's photo
Feb 21

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