Robert Hale
  • Male
  • Lemoyne, PA
  • United States
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  • Guy
  • Pat T
  • Randy, HHH Knives
  • Frank Evans
  • Les Swalm
  • Bruce Piehl
  • Trent Rock

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Iron City Blades on eBay

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Robert Hale's Blog

What do knives have to do with Breast Cancer?

Posted on October 16, 2009 at 13:40 11 Comments

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and the knife industry in general has come out en masse to support the cause. We have a couple examples on our website of knives and other items where a portion of the proceeds will go to various related charities that support Breast Cancer awareness and research. Companies like Spyderco, Buck, Victorinox, Ka-Bar,…


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At 22:47 on March 15, 2010, Trent Rock said…
The EBAY gadget you have on this page looks sweet..I may have to make one of those..I go on EBAY selling binges, here and there.....;)
At 16:11 on February 4, 2010, Randy, HHH Knives said…
Robert, Great to have another friend. Thanks for the invite.
At 16:42 on January 30, 2010,
CaptJeff Saylor
hello Robert, thanks for the friend request. i see you are the top bidder on my Ebay Bowie knife! thanks!!
hope you win!

At 13:18 on October 21, 2009,
In Memoriam
Scott King
well, yea I get around, that's how I know you've already been there :)
At 12:27 on October 21, 2009,
In Memoriam
Scott King
Man you are all over the web. I see your trail 'bout everywhere I go. FB, YouTube, your sites, iKC, CNJ....AAPK, plus I'm sure many others.....everywhere. You are a busy man and are doing a great job using social media to market and increase your brand's awareness. You are what textbooks call an "early adapter in the industry"
At 10:58 on October 16, 2009, J.J. Smith III said…
Howdy Robert,
Welcome to iKC.
At 9:31 on October 16, 2009, Robert Hale said…
That's great! Feel free to look around. Our website doors are always open.
At 9:00 on October 16, 2009,
In Memoriam
Scott King
Hey Robert-
Thanks for joining our knife community. Think you will like it here as you spend more time getting to know the place. Got a lot of nice knife folks- of all ages and knife interests. If I can help out, let me know.
At 8:21 on October 16, 2009, Robert Hale said…
Thanks for the warm welcome, I look forward to hanging around for a while. I've been meaning to join here since the site came up....
At 3:10 on October 16, 2009, Doug Scearce said…
Welcome Robert to iKC !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Profile Information

How did you hear about iKnifeCollector?
Do you currently subscribe to any knife publication (offline)
How long have you collected knives?
3- 5 years
Favorite Kind of Knives
unusually shaped knives
About Me
I am the owner of Iron City Blades, a small online knife retailer.
Family, Hunting, Fishing, Cooking, Knives

White River Knives

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