#9 - Chris Martin – PF-1 Tanto Flipper, I currently have this on order, so the pics are from the site, IKBS Bearing System, Aggressive Tanto Blade.  (I am going nuts waiting for this one)

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Comment by Vance Parker on June 29, 2013 at 14:15

It seems the makers have come a long way in making the handles attractive. While not very attractive this BUCK

has stood up well to the environment.


Comment by Jan Carter on June 28, 2013 at 15:42

When are you getting this one?

Comment by Stanley May on June 24, 2013 at 12:04

Thank you Chuck for the very nice compliment.  I do it for you and all the fantastic people here at IKC.

Comment by Chuck Parham on June 24, 2013 at 4:47

Stanley, all I can say is thank you for not only fantastic pictures of titanium in use that the everyday person can relate to and enjoy, but for also an experts view on the whole titanium issue as it relates to knives. I bought one titanium coated knife (a Colt Trapper) 2 years ago with the knowledge I gained from 20+ years as a welder that any coating comes off. I see so may knives "coated" and few actually made from titanium until now. It will be  a while before I can buy a titanium knife but I now have a much better knowledge of the material thanks to you. Your article was very analytical and indepth without becoming so technical that it became boring. Thanks for being one of the may people here who can set racords straight and separate fact from fiction. BRAVO, Stanley!!

In Memoriam
Comment by Robert Burris on June 23, 2013 at 14:36

How Sweet It Is!

Comment by Brad T. on June 21, 2013 at 16:15

That is a truly beautiful looking knife. Makes this Warren Thomas look mediocre. I wish mine had the file work on the flat side of the blade.

Comment by Ms Data on June 20, 2013 at 15:50

Very nice Stanley!!  All 1 thru 5.  I'd be going nuts waiting for that Chris Martin in the mail too.

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