I inventoried my knife collection the last few days. I've got a little over 500 knives in the collection ( and about 200 knives that aren't really in the collection).

What I discovered. About 1/6 of the collection is fixed blades. Of the fixed blades at least half of them are knives made for anglers (fish knives) if you include bird and trout knives it goes even higher!

Overall 1/5 of the collection, over 100 knives are fishing knives of some kind. If you include five inch toothpicks the number is closer to 140! I do not consider toothpicks a fish knife.

The most collected single pattern is the 4 blade camp knife or Boy Scout knife. Around 120.

Next in line are Marlin spike knives and toothpicks. Both around 40-45.

As for money spent on a single pattern
1 large toothpicks
2 marlinspikes
3 scout knives

Which brands I have the most of:
1 Rough Rider
2 Victorinox
3 Case

As for the direction that my collection is going
1 fishing related knives
2 issued military fixed blades, particularly bayonets
3 Swiss Army Knives.

I can expect my return on invest to be in the negative column!

What direction is your collection going?

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When I inventory my collection it helps me see where it is growing but at the same time it doesn't clearly define my knife interests.

I'm sure my favorite pattern remains the 5 inch Toothpick. However, knife companies are too busy pushing Trappers and "tacticals". This explains why my collection has so few of them.

The fishing knives make sense especially since I got back into fishing about 6 years ago.

And then there are Military fixed blades and Bayonets. Olders ones in good condition are hard to come by in my price range.

My holy grail knives are another issue all together. They're out there but l need them in my price range.

I'm working on expanding my collection. I just added two Rough Rider folding knives. One being a trapper and the other being the Muskrat. I also purchased several of the Rite Edge knives and according the shipping I should get most of my purchases on Monday and Tuesday.

 I had already purchased a Rite Edge Trapper that came with a pik and small tweasers that fit in the handle. I'm impressed with the fit and finish of the Rite Edge and it has good snap when opening and closing.

When all of the purchases arrive I will post Pics of them There are between 3 or 5 that were impulse buys. (I know shame on me) I should not do that. I have a rule that the knives I buy have not less than a 3 inch main blade. Several of my impluse buys main blades are only 2.75 inches. Not bad but I failed to read up on them before buying.

The were also some of KuKri knives that I looked at and have several marked as possible buys. My next buying spree will be replacing the OldTimer knives that I used to have. I'm really enjoying myself collecting these but I need to practice a little restraint when doing so but like I've said I'm attracted to shiny things

I completely forgot one of the growing segments of my collection:  sentimental knives.  Most of these are knives given to me on special occasions by my wife in the years since I started collecting.  This is a group of knives I simply refuse to sell.  There are also a few knives I own that are special for other reasons, like the Victorinox One Hand Trekker I used on the first trip we took after our first child was born -- I still remember using it to cut open the package for the stroller we used on that trip, he was just over a year old.  These are some of my absolute favorite knives, for absolutely personal reasons...


You are correct!  That part of the collection is not for sale, ever. Some of them are not knives I would have bought and they have no value...except they mean the world to me

 Good news in the mail and a bit of disappointment. All but one of the knives I bought came in today. Plus a bit of a settlement That I had been waiting on for nearly 6 months also came in the mail. So after depositing it in my bank I kinda went a bit of a spending spree. Bought 5 OldTimer knives all pretty much replacements for what I used to have.

 Went to SMKW after that and bought about eight or so RR knives. Next on the agenda is contacting Buck and getting my 4 knives repaired. That should put me on hold for a while after all thats done.

Also learned a very valuable  lesson. Beware of impulse buying as I also wound up with several stinkers. They are marked as give aways.

 Pictures will be coming in a little while but as of now I have much to do

Congrats on the new knives!  Cant wait for the pics.

Impulse buys, I try to keep them narrowed down to a knife I have in my hand

I'm hoping that my impulse buying I'd in the past, these days.
Up until this year, I could count on attending 2 or 3 shows each year. This year I may have to limit it to just 1, due to medical reasons. This will certainly pose a problem, later this summer, when I begin "Jonesing" for a new knife.
When that feeling hits, and it will hit (and hit hard), I'll be back to scouring eBay for something to satisfy the craving.

Its time for Show and Tell.. 6 of these knives are Rite Edge and two are Rough Rider's. TBH the Rough Riders put the Rite Edge knives to shame. There are three or so of the Rite Edge knives that are pretty decent. Good fit and finish plus very solid feeling. Good snap opening/closing. The rest are so so and one is so close to an exact copy of a Schrade Old Timer Trapper that has the pick and tweezers that at first glance you would think it was a OldTimer knife.

 The two Rough Rider knives I bought.... Well I read the reviews and looked at many pics. RR is the way I should have went for a not expenseve good quality knife.


and the rest of them


That's all so far as new purchases go. When the Old Timers get here (6 bought) and the Rough Riders (7 bought) I will post those. I believe that my purchasing of the Rite Edge knives is over. There are still some that I like but I'm very disappointed in the quality of the fit/finish the Rite Edge brand. 

Hi Wally. Rite Egde is a TM of Szco Supplies. Other brands owned by them are Watch Fire, CS Series, And Frontier Series. I have a few Rite Edge knives as well. They're pretty to look at but are pretty crappy once used a bit. It's a shame that they don't spend a little more time and effort on quality control because they have some really nice lookers. The Rite Edge knives out of China are better than the ones out of Pakistan.

Rough Riders, while also principally made in China are the Smoky Mountain Knife Works house brand. If you like them you may want to check out some of their other house brands. See my webpage " Apocket guide to knives" at a href="http://apg2k.hegewisch.net/" target="_blank">http://apg2k.hegewisch.net/ > and check the section called who owns who. It's a little out of date but that's mainly because every other week Jim Frost comes up with a new Trademark for the same crap he made last year.
It's good to see others being able to appreciate Rough Riders, Wally.

Best knife value, today.

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