Blimey .... I was in Wal-Mart (one of the very few shopping choices in this small town) the other day and as I walked down the isle, I was blinded by the lights on Christmas trees!  What?  It's not even Halloween yet and the stores are subjecting shoppers to Christmas marketing already!  Sheesh!  But ... it did prompt me to start thinking about a Christmas Giveaway.  Figured I would give everyone a heads up that I will do one (similar to last year's) next month (so that the winner will have gift in hand in plenty of time for Christmas, regardless of location).

So ... mark your calendars and check back in about 30 days for the details.  The only stipulation I have come up with so far is that the giveaway will be open to anyone who has been a member for at least 6 months as of the date of my details post next month.  Not sure what I will pull from the collection for the giveaway, but will try to have a selection to choose from this year in an attempt to accommodate  knife laws in various locations.

To enter, visit this page on my web site.

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Just a reminder ... deadline for entry submission is tomorrow (11/25).  I will draw winning entry on Sunday.  Last year's GAW had 42 entries.  As of right now, 68 have entered this year's GAW.  Good luck to everyone.

Drum roll please!  The winner has been selected, notified and has responded!  

Winner is Tim Kemp.  He has selected the Trestle Pine Grand Portage.  Congratulations.

And ... I want to say thanks for all of the kind comments.  But ... it really isn't about me.  It's about the season and the joy of giving.


Congrats to Tim, and thank you again Dennis for the opportunity.

Congrats Tim!!

Good choice, Tim -- & Congrat's!

Thank you to all that responded!

Dennis, again a HUGE Thank you for the opportunity for our members!


Congrats, Tim;
and thanks, Dennis.

Big Thank you to Dennis for the generous GAW, and  also to everyone's nice comments.

I have much to be thankful for, and this is just icing on the cake for me :)

Hope everyone has a very blessed Christmas season.


Congrats Tim! Thanks again for the opportunity Dennis.
Congrats, Tim. Thanks for the opportunity Dennis


I received the Trestle Pine Grand Portage yesterday. Very nice knife, and very happy with my selection. Always wanted to get a Trestle Pines. CPM154 makes this even better. Nice touch with the custom card! Once again thank you for a very generous GAW, and may you & your family have a most blessed Christmas & New Year.


PS - I will get a pic up hopefully soon :)

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