Well Day one was just Marvelous. We were able to spend a little time in the morning with Roger Cunningham and Ken Mundhenk. If you ever get a chance to sit with these gentlemen and talk about the knife world and knives , take it. Both are simply wonderful and always willing to share what they know. We thoroughly enjoyed the time on the porch with them, just don’t get to see them enough.

By late morning Johnny TwoShoes had arrived with his family. Two wonderful brothers and a special young lady they all call Mom. This is a family that instills pride in small town America and raising your family the old fashion way. These gentlemen were grateful for any knowledge they could gain and even Mom took pride in going on the tour and seeing Americans’ hard at work making a product that makes he son so happy.

Donnie made Johnny give him a penny when he presented him with the fixed blade Donnie had made. He was happy to give up the penny and we all explained to him why he had to give up a penny. He thought that little bit of Indian lore was fascinating. Right behind that Ryan asked for a coin and that mans hands shook as he handed over his quarter. His whole body froze in place when Ryan handed over that #12. But the best part was the look on Donnie’s face when Johnny asked for his penny back!!

Donnie handed over the penny very confused until Johnny placed in his hand a 73Liner Lock in black buffalo. This was one of Johnny’s users that he was giving Donnie. He was speechless and looked like a young man when he walked up to me with that knife laid out in both hands. It has a place of honor in his heart and his collection.

The Rendezvous knife came out and the 10 allotted for the show that day sold out very quickly. The 5th Anniversary was going very fast at that time also. Courtney was hoppin’ in the store but was lucky enough to have Joe, her dad, there to help. Donnie’s job was to entertain, talk with all the customers, make everyone feel at home and keep an eye on the Casey dog.

In the early afternoon Russell came by from Southwest PA, you know I can’t resist a man with an English accent. I was doing some work off and on in the factory and store but he and Donnie spent a good deal of time on the porch talking knives and playing with Casey dog. Riley ran Case’s little legs off and when we got home all he could do was sleep.

Things settled down after the beautiful trip back to Erie through the gorgous PA countyside and it was time to get some rest with day two looming on the horizon.

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Ladies and Gentlemen,


Words can't begin discribe the enjoyment that my wife and I had during this event. We are so sorry that we couldn't be there for the Saturday event and missed seeing so many of our on-line friends. We had a wonderful time and throughly enjoyed meeting everyone. GEC, treats you like family and that is so important these days. Thank you to all that stopped by to say hi to my wife and I.  BTW, our dogs liked it as well. Little Riley had a great time playing soccer with the kids in the back field. She is a sweetheart, if GEC ever has her for the knife of day, I'll take two.  LOL!!!!!!


Thoroughly enjoyed your description of Day 1 at the Rendezvous. Can't wait to hear abouts Day 2 & 3. I keep saying - maybe next year. I've got to make it happen!

Day two loomed with a little rain in the picture but as I got out of the truck I spied an old friend. Nicci is Chris’s daughter and just a special young lady. She brought a one of a kind templar so I could show you all her special knife

The Cocobolo Whaler came out in all its glory and I couldn’t share those pics fast enough. Ken and Roger came back to spend some more time on the porch. David Anthony and his wonderful wife Deborah were there with some special “finds” David had found the original Northfield factory and had some unfolded knife boxes and even some pristine onion skin for wrapping those originals. He also had a poster done with some of his rare paperwork finds and the knives they represented. REALLY COOL POSTER. Also he brought an original Beaver Falls wood handled beauty. I gotta get me one of those!

The show knifes went quickly and the numbered Ebony’s all found new homes. The bone went into production, with the color still anyone’s guess.

Russell came back and brought with him a friend Bill from Easton PA. Bill is promoting a knife show up that way next month, so if you are around that area be sure to stop by.

The tours were non stop and the folks coming out of the tours were all talking about the amazing work done in that shop. Many brought their young ones with them, both boys and girls. That was good to see them getting interested and listening to old knife stories. I put out the Beavertail collection for Pat and Ryan’s viewing.

So, in short, day two brought new friends, old friends, new knives and beautiful old knives.

Pat and Ryan left to help get the hog ready for the pig roast on Saturday and we headed back up to Erie, still undecided on what other new knives we wanted to take home. With day three coming soon Donnie was laying in bed saying, should I get the 5th anniversary? Maybe the cocobolo? What do you think honey?

Love it, I wasn't there for day 2, but wow looks like even more fun. I can't wait to hear what Donnie decided on, must have been a tough decision. I love those knives on that pelt, something very natural about that scene. I can't wait for the next one. : )

Thanks Jan, these pics are great and I love the narration.


I was not there too long on the second day, but got to hang out a little before starting to head back home. I enjoyed myself immensly over the Thursday and Friday.


I need to get a walnut stain bone Whaler...............sweet!!   They are up on the site

Sounds like a great time, Jan.  Thanks for sharing.  That beavertail collection is neat.  I got my 2nd beavertail knife last week and am really starting to pay attention to that whole series now. 

Well Donnies decision was the 5th anniversary

Russell, Did you order a whaler?

Biglmbass, There is alot to love about those beavertails.  They are light weight to carry, not every pattern gets to be a BT.  BT usually ONLY come out when there is a new frame model.  They are my favorite carbon steel, 1095.   And they are an eye catcher when you hand someone your knife.  But I am partial :)


Thanks, now I am trying to figure out what to use to display the Primitve bones!?!

Day three was foggy and cool with a lot of work to be done. The pig arrived still in the smoker and smelled like southern heaven to me. The tables and chairs needed put out for the customers and guests and the store was a wash with folks. Tours were a little smaller early in the day but got bigger as the day went on.

David Anthony had moved on to another show but Ken and Roger came back to spend more time with us all. Casey Dog had settled down to just greeting guests and not getting to far away from Dad and I. Donnie went into the shop to see what he could do to help and Bill told him he was late and fired. Broke his heart so he cleaned up the drinks are, reloaded the drink bucket and mopped the floor before he headed back outside to help with the tables and chairs. I don‘t think he understands what fired means…but he was having fun so no one told him. Turns out it was a temporary lay off until the next show. But to get those 51 weeks of vacation he had finish out the day. LOL

Just before lunch Chris asked me to join her in Patty’s honing, stamping and final inspection room. The surprise and privilege of my life…They asked me to name the newest bone for the Whaler. Jan’s Cranberry Wine it is.

As lunch was served everyone gathered at the tables to eat and talk. When I had finished serving we sat down with knifegirl888 and brett88 and their kids. Boy did we get a view of some rare old PA tang stamps in fantastic shape. Her oldest told me all about how Ken Daniels got him hooked on GEC and he loves the stag models.

After lunch, those that has not seen the factory yet took their tours and spent some time in the store. Then it was time for them all to gather in Donnie’s little circle out back and show off what they had gotten and what they may go back in and get. They talked GEC, Old knives and tang stamps . We met Kathie and Ron Etters. Another couple that “knives“ togeather.

Chris’s son AJ was nice enough to clean up the luncheon for me and get everything put away so that the crew would have the leftovers on Tuesday.

After lunch the drawing was done and the winner is Josh Wills in Greensburg, PA. 810.00 raised for the Wounded Warrior Project. A successful and fun three days.

Thank you to everyone at Great Eastern Cutlery for making us all feel at home and welcome.

Thank you to everyone that attended for joining the 5th year Anniversary celebration.

That is so cool, I'm sure y'all passed a good time. When I first saw the picture I thought y'all were cooking that beaver. All good.
jan what a job telling us about the event it sounds like every one had a great time.i am so glad you and donnie had such a good time you all are great people and deserve it,thanks again for the great write up and the great pictures you always do a good job.your friend stephen......

It is always wonderful to spend time with old friends and we were forunate enough to see many.  Meeting new friends is a special kind of blessing and I am pleased to say that opportunity was in abundance.  Riley Daniels is a bundle of energy and kindness that is good to see in one so young.    With all that said - I would to thank three very special gentlemen that we had the privledge of spending a good deal of time with. 

Ken Mundhenk and Roger Cunningham.  These two gentlemen do a lot of shows togeather and when they are there they are working hard so it is always a quick hello, how have you been.  On this trip we saw them on several occasions and spent a bit of time just talking knives and life.  It was a joy to spend a little quality time with each of them.

With Ken Daniels unable to attend, Courtneys father Joe came to help in the store.  This is the first time we met Joe and I hope to see him again at many shows.  Just a good, kind and genuine gentleman.

Thank you all for taking time to spend with us, we enjoyed it very much



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