I was thinking we could have a IKC fishing contest for this spring and summer for our members. I know, you are probably saying how can we weigh fish and with different types of fish north and south east and west, well how can it be done.  Easy, It would not be the biggest but the Best Fishing Picture of one of our members for this fishing season. Yea, who has a great picture with them or their childern and of course a Fish. We could have a judge pick the best picture of the contest. The winner would get a knife of course. Please let me know if ya'll would be interested in it. I think it would be alot of fun. Lets talk the idea up and see what comes of it.

First Prize

Second Prize

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terry that sure would be some good eat'in my friend

Terry Schultz said:

As much fun it is to catch the bigger trout, the back country lakes that have the Brookies in them are so much more rewarding. There not big 8 to 12 inches but the are fun to catch. Myself and some buddies caught these from a lake outside of Yosemite  around 11000 ft. It's nice  have a lake all to yourself 

I got an invite to do a little fishing with some friends yesterday. With all the stressful things that have been going on, I figured why not. We loaded the truck up with the gear the night before and hit the hay for an early start. We met up and checked the minnow trap. The trap was empty so we headed for the local bait shop. 

We stopped for a quick bite at a perfect little restaurants right across from the bait shop. It was an old fisherman's haunt and a hunter's early morning paradise when it comes to breakfast. Trophy fish from years ago adorn the walls. It had a ton of character and in a way set the perfect mood for the morning.

The plan was to fish the Allegany river. It's a pretty swift moving river and a dangerous one to be in, with or without a boat. The first set up was right by the Dam.

The water was churned and swirl before before coming to a calm right against the wall. That is where we cast. A couple hours and a few missed fish later, we decided to move on.

We headed to the mouth of the kiskiminetas river, right where it flows into the Allegany. The Kiski is a much smaller river and usually warmer than the big Allegany. With a nice wind blowing we figured the water temps had dropped, so we moved for the smaller, warmer river. It didn't take long for us to realize that we were in the right spot.

My buddy Jonathan had the first good hit of the day. As he set the hook and started the fight, I took note of the action going on at the end of my line. I set the hook and started the first fight of the new year. We pulled in a perfect double and both fish hit the bank at the same time.

Well my fishing trip got cancelled but it looks like ya'll had fun. It is very interesting to see fish and terrain from other parts of the country. Remember, it's not the size of the fish you catch but the size of amount of fun you have while fishing. I hope with the wammer wheather that more and more members will head for the water to wet a fishing line with camera in hand.

Yeah, not the biggest fish in the world, but we have a few good sized bass, carp and cats laying in that old Allegany. 

Here is another walleye.

mighty fine looking fish my friends they all look nice so far keep up the good fishing,it won't be long and my poles will be coming out of  hibernation.can't wait.....

.  Robert, you'll make it out there soon I know you will.  Stephen, dust them off and head out, looks like Johnny had a good time and I know you will also.  

We don't have Walleye down here. I have heard alot about them, sounds like alot of fun.
Hey, we might get to go fishing tomorrow, if we do I'll post some pictures.

They are still pretty sluggish with the water temps being low, but they can put up a fun fight when things are right. The Walleye are known for being good eating, but the season doesn't officially open for a few more weeks. These fish are small in comparison to the big walleye we have around here, but they are fine, first, fish of the year.

Let us Know Robert, I am sure you will have a blast doing whatever you do.

I sure hope Robert that you are wetting a line today

No, we plan on a big fishing trip friday with the whole family, then a big fish fry that evening.


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