Remember the bosses rules for the porch; "No Cussin, No Spittin and sweep up your whittlin shavings".

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I think I have forgot how to relax. Good rules anyway.

OMG!! This site is sooooooo great!! It brings back so many childhood memories. I can feel the hot sun baking the dirt road. Sitting with my granddaddy whittlin' a piece of soft pine. Strolling into the general store to reach into the cooler filled with icy cold water to grab a RC cola. Walking to the rack where I'd get either a Moon Pie or a Goo Goo bar. The gentle background chatter of Mrs. Quillan getting some corn meal and baking powder. Eyeing up a new cane pole standing in a rack in the corner. Walking behind the counter to pet the German Shepherd owned by Mr. Freeman who ran the local saw mill. And my favorite part, waiting for any of the girls who lived nearby to see if they would let me walk them home after buying them a soda and candy. That was life in rural Tennessee as it was in most rural areas. It was a time of trust. A time where a man's word was better than any written contract. Cars were actually made to last. And the General store was the cultural epicenter of your world. I feel like I've come home.

I think that is one of my goats on the porch.....

So the Blade Show for 2013 appears to be a big hit with lots of folks in attendance. Judging from the knife posts on FB it would appear everyone has gone or is going to the show. Oh well, don't know if any good knives will be there to get on my list but I am willin to bet a few will make it!

Oh and tonight we have our "Guess How many stockmans on Knives Live tonight"  So I will have my eye on the screen for those. Better take my boots off if I have to count.....

Good luck, Steve, I hope you Win.

Thank you Robert, I hope you do too!(Just pretend its a Moose). By the way for anyone smart enough to read this thread I know for a fact they have 1! LOL

Robert Burris said:

Good luck, Steve, I hope you Win.

Well, did not win, well not right off anyway. Turns out we have a 3way tie! The actual number was 6 stockmans shown so we had two folks guessing 5 and one who guessed 7.....so Miss Jan is off to have a special drawing today at the Blade Show! So stay tuned!

Ok well the truth be told, I did win much to my surprise... I have a surprise knife coming with a box signed by KnivesLive Host Jay Parker...Wow! Well you just never know.

Looks like the Blade Show was well attended but was it a huge success for the vendors?  Lots more folks know about iKnife Collector right now. Pictures are still coming in, with many more for Jan to post and title and add notes.

Waiting for an update on Jan, back was hurting so will have to see.

Blade Show may lead to some interesting new chats with some of the movers and shakers of the knife world. Stay tuned for more info!

Well my participation has been spotty, having computer problems...don't know if I destroyed a keyboard looking at all those great knives but several members have reported the same condition so it is possible.

I was able to fix my problem however so I am back online and in full participation mode...proving once again that I am smarter than a monkey! (Well maybe)

This week should be fun as we count Queen knives shown on the Smoky Mountain Knife Works TV Show. You get a guess before then as to how many... Will be nice to see that young feller Ryan on TV. I imagine he'll do pretty good pitchin the product. Well we'll see!

May or may not get to be around on Friday.  Headin to Atlanta for another NAGA competition.

Maybe we should put a disclaimer in?...Winner need not be present? he, he, maybe not No one would show up and what fun is that!

J.J. Smith III said:

May or may not get to be around on Friday.  Headin to Atlanta for another NAGA competition.


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