The online community of knife collectors, A Knife Family Forged in Steel
Time: April 29, 2017 from 9am to 4pm
Location: DuPage County Fairgrounds
Street: 2015 Manchester Rd.
City/Town: Wheaton
Website or Map:
Phone: 17155269769
Event Type: show, &, sale
Organized By: Tim Zurko
Latest Activity: Apr 4, 2017
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Zurko Combines Two Great Shows
Into One – April 29th
Civil War Show and C.A.D.A.
Wheaton, Illinois – DuPage County Fairgrounds, Saturday April 29th will host the “Mega-Collectors Event”, for Civil War Enthusiasts & Collector and Vintage Arms Collectors! Billed as two shows in one; The Chicagoland National Civil War Show and the C.A.D.A. (Collector’s Arm’s Dealers Association) will have something for everyone! With one admission price for two shows, in two separate buildings – everything from Civil War treasures, Spanish-American & Indian Wars, mountain men, bowie knife, fur traders, & World Wars I and II memorabilia to collector guns, pistols, rifles, parts, military, knives, & swords, and much, much more!
C.A.D.A. (Collectors Arms Dealers Association) is a national association of dealers of the highest integrity who offer quality collector arms for the novice to the advanced collector! Combining the two shows into one event affords something for everyone, for a grand day of treasure hunting!!
For additional dealer or collector information on this “Mega-Collectors Event”, contact Zurko’s Midwest Promotions, 115 E. Division St., Shawano, WI 54166; phone 715-526-9769, fax 715-524-5675 or websites: and
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