So it seems we have become a topic, or the result of one anyway LOL

For those of you that know me, you know I dont go to the other forums.  I belong and I get alerts if our name is mentioned but I choose to be here.

Long story, condensed version.  there was an issue with a club knife for them by Queen.  Someone brought up that Queen does a live chat here and low and behold...we have new members.  Welcome to you all.

What I found interesting was the comments regarding iKC and the membership.

"Ya, I went over there and looked around as soon as you mentioned that. All I can say is it seems like the people who hang out there are... how shall I say this... a little off. Read through that forum and you see no real complaints about anything. I'll go, but I don't expect a warm welcome."

"I joined, was instantly greeted by some online members, and saw the same members in the chat box bidding each other a good night as someone was going to bed. They were friends, mentioning that they'd be praying for something I missed ,and seemed nice to me. Didn't read any of the forum though. I Wonder how many members it has and why Queen would select them for this event, though I understand why they wouldn't select EDCF'

"I didn't mean that they were not nice folks, it just appears to me that they seemed like they went way out of their way to be overly polite to each other. It's like a knitting club, but with knives. I could be wrong, but it seemed like a real honest exchange of ideas may be shocking to them. I got the same feeling I get when I pull into a little town in WV and people peer out from behind the curtains and I suddenly realize... I don't belong."

Over the years we have been called many things, but this is the first for knitting club.  So those joining us from there, again...welcome.  Yes, you will find a tight knit community, you will experience friendship and a family atmosphere.  No, we are not a huge community...for us it is not about the numbers but the people, the atmosphere and the knives.  I promise no one will peep out the curtains at you, well unless your in JJ's diner LOL.  

We dont go out of our way to be nice, we make the choice to hang with nice folks

Tags: forum, iknifecollector

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Civility and friendliness is what sets us apart from the rest- We can be critical, or flat out disagree without being hateful about it-We attract more and more international friends every day because of this ethic-Countries do not form people, people form countries , IMHO- I am proud to say I now have many friends from all over the globe who I would never have had a chance to talk to elsewhere.Politics,religion and ideologies do not matter- Nice people are nice people wherever they reside--

Well put John. I think like you on this issue.

John McCain said:

Civility and friendliness is what sets us apart from the rest- We can be critical, or flat out disagree without being hateful about it-We attract more and more international friends every day because of this ethic-Countries do not form people, people form countries , IMHO- I am proud to say I now have many friends from all over the globe who I would never have had a chance to talk to elsewhere.Politics,religion and ideologies do not matter- Nice people are nice people wherever they reside--

That say's it all ,well said John !

I do go to other forums but do not participate.  This is "home" and I like the way it is!


Thank you Tina. You and Larry are wonderful people and always involved in knives. You for sure are part of what we do.

Larry and Tina Pridgen said:

I do go to other forums but do not participate.  This is "home" and I like the way it is!



You and Larry are a part of family and we like having you here at home!

You know, I spent some time doing videos this morning and looking back at shows and opportunities we have had because of iKC.  Being here continues to be a Blessing for us, all brought to each of us by the members here

The people i have met on this site are very nice,generous and of a better caliber than a great deal of the rest of the world. I have been humbled by the kindness of a gentelman from oregon that i met here. I am very honered to have been welcomed here and be part of this with all of you. Thank you John

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