Well we are in Texas. One of my very favorite states. I just got back from walking Buddy. Its cold here for Texas: 38 degree but thats better than 2 below at home. And absolutely no snow.

Lyle Lovett sung a song:   You say your not from Texas, You say your not from Texas -----

Texas wants you anyhow.

We are in Katy, Texas where my daughter and her family live. Joyce and I are so glad to see our Grandkids here - Sierra is 14 and Nathan is 13 And they both love Knives. I will post pictures of their growing collection when I get home. My Son-in-law is a hard working man - and works in Houston.

Its suppose to get in the 70's by the end of the week. Tonight we go to a school Choir event and tomorrow a Basketball game where my Grandaughter will play. Our Grandson played Football until he broke his arm. 

My Grandson loves the woods and can't wait to get to our Farm in Ohio this summer. 

Who else loves Texas????

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Alan, no I didn't - yes maybe next time.  We travel home today from Bush Airport, be home late tonight.


have a nice trip home. Who is most tired Gma and Gpa or the Gkids? :)

Did you see this particular Historian 3 knife set when they came out? Since I am very much interested in the tang stamp on a knife I thought these were brilliant. They only made 50 sets of three if my memory is working.

Alan, what a neat set - that is a different tang, I like it.    We are not so tired, Grandkids want us to stay, but we must get home. It will be good to get back in our own bed.  Hope our pipes are not frozen. Its beautiful here, just got back from walking the dog - I had on shorts. Still cold at home - oh well, surely spring is on the way someday.

We are heading for Texas tomorrow, can't wait. Ah, Texas. Love the place. Who can recommend a great Steak house. I am considering "Taste O Texas" just outside Katy. Anyone ever been there?

Well have a safe trip Ken and keep us posted on all the activity. On a personal note I have been to Texas many times, mostly in and around Houston and a few times to Dallas. Been to Austin, and San Antonio. The reason Texas sometimes stands out in my mind, besides the many friendships I made there, but I was in Houston on that fateful day of 9/11. I for one will never forget that day.

Ken, you have a safe trip in this weird weather pattern happening.  Find a great steak house and let us know what you chose.  Hug the grandkids!!!

We got to Texas, had a great steak at the Texas Roadhouse, then after 4 days went on a 7 day cruise to Belize, Costa Maya and Cozemel. Had a great time, and are now back in Texas (Katy) for a few more days. Yes we are having a blast. Thanks Lantz. Will post some pics when we get home, my grandson got a new knife. So will post that later. Take care all, I'll be back on more regular soon I hope.

Thanks for the upfate my friend! Sounds like you have been having a great time. Can't wait to see the pics. Safe travel and enjoy!

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