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Joe ..


You OK with opening a blade with your nail .. would you prefer an automatic ?? A single blade ~ one of those 6-blade monsters ?? Looking really pretty with stag scales ..or.. durable G10 ??


Oh .. 'n what's your budget allow ???


Could you give us a few more hints ?!?!?

I prefer a single blade, I would be fine with or without an assisted opener, and I require something a little more on the durable side, like G10 or something of that nature. Budget...I am still a student (23) so i'm not looking to spend a fortune but that being said, I am willing to pay for quality (dont know if that helps) 


just looking for a small, durable, useful EDC blade...as all my other pocket knives are 4 inches plus...


I heard good things about the durability of the SOG flash 1, any expierences with that?


thanks for the help, keep em sharp...



D ale said:


Joe ..


You OK with opening a blade with your nail .. would you prefer an automatic ?? A single blade ~ one of those 6-blade monsters ?? Looking really pretty with stag scales ..or.. durable G10 ??


Oh .. 'n what's your budget allow ???


Could you give us a few more hints ?!?!?

……………...............…………… Joe …………………...................……..


I prefer : single blade .. with / without assisted opening


I require :  durability .. ?withstand minor abuse?


Budget:  realistic


?? thoughts :  SOG Flash 1



I’ve no personal experience with SOG’s products .. some good folks here do though .. you should get some feedback pretty quick on that one !!!


Kershaw’s Scallion might be worth consideration ..  SPECIFICATIONS: Steel: 420HC stainless-steel  Blade Length: 2 1/4 in. (5.8 cm)  Closed Length: 3 1/2 in. (8.4 cm)  Weight: 2.3 oz. FEATURES: SpeedSafe® Assisted Opening, Locking Liner, Thumb Stud, Pocket Clip ...... however .. I’ve no personal experience with one !?!



What do you normally use your EDC for? 

 If your looking traditional, try a barlow style.  Most are in the 3 inch range and very durable.  If you like the tactical style either of the above should fit the bill.  Let me see if we can get Stephen to talk about the flash a little more for you

yes joe jan said you was wondering about buying a sog flash I  i have a group that you can find and ask about sog the speacial ops group you are welcome to join.the sog flashI is a great knife it is assisted the blade is 2.5 inchs aus 8 steel great blade very sharp out of box. i have the sog flash II love it they are very light weight and very sharp perfect for edc the clip is tight i bent mine out a little for easy access.but if you ask me for the money and what you get it is the way to go.hope that helps.if you get one please post a picture over at the site that would be great .and tell us what you think.you can get one at knifeworks.com for about 45.00 dollars...

Joe-I'm just curious, but in CA is it illegal to have a folder over 3" ? If so, do you know if CA or most states measure a knife blade length based on it's actual cutting edge or from the bolster?

Another question is that if it's illegal to conceal a fixed blade, is it legal if it is carried openly? What I mean is, what do hunters or campers use when out in the field?

How about something basic like a Buck Ranger lockback or CaseXX  Blue Stag makes a single blade with assist open that is just a tad under 3" IF it is measured based on the cutting edge?

I saw that Great Eastern Cutlery is previewing a single blade mini lockback but haven't found out any pricing or availabilty on their products. 

The GEC 72 mini lockback is 3 7/8 closed it appears they are running about 70-80.  The Barlow is three inches closed.  You can pick up a barlow for around 60-70 .  If you need help locating some let me know 

So it sounds like you are trying to replace a fixed blade knife or a hunting type knife. I am a Swiss Army knife fan so I am biased towards their offerings but many folks who are not fans or dismiss the idea of even looking at one will miss out on some good single blade folders. If the knife blades cutting edge itself is what has to be 3 inches  then I would recommend a Victorinox Safari line "Adventurer Solo" model. The folded closed length of the knife is 108mm's and the cutting edge of the blade is 2 and 13/16th's, and if you include the tang the over all length of the blade is 3 and 3/16th's. The thickest part of the blade near the tang is 3mm's wide and it thins out to  the spear point tip. The scales are made of durable red nylon similar to Gerber lockback knives. It is a plain folder, not a lock blade. Best of all is it is well within budget at anywhere from $15 to $20 when you can find one. Here are a couple of photos;

OK, I could not find my photos of a Solo model but here is one very close. It is called the Solo Plus since it has a corkscrew. So if you will just imagine this knife without the corkscrew you will under stand.

red,solo,plus,nylon,108mm,Victorinox,Swiss Army Knife

red,solo,plus,nylon,108mm,Victorinox,Swiss Army Knife


Your right in that most of us don't think of the SAK when thinking about a sngle blade.  Thanks for adding it to the suggestions.  Anyone else have an idea for Joe?  We need to get a knife back in his pocket, we all know how we would feel without ours!

Another Swiss Army knife offering that might appeal to you as well is the 93mm Silver Alox scaled Solo. It has only the single blade housed in an Alox or aluminum alloy scales. It is readily available online and at knife stores and retails for under $20. I have even seen it for around $15 sometimes. This knife is based on the older alox Soldier knife except it has civilian made specs and shield.

This ones a long one, and a two parter...so here we go (deep breath)


Kent...as far as the CA knife laws go


State California allows for concealed carry of the folding knives and there is no limit to the blade length. As long as the knife is not banned by PC 653K it is legal. 653K does not make Assisted Openers(AO) illegal. However, depending on the particular AO mechanism and other details some AOs may fall under switchblade category. Fixed blades must be carried openly, in the sheath. No double edged knives. No knives longer than 2.5"in the school, but folders are ok in the Universities and Colleges. Unless, they were banned by local authorities. No knives longer than 4" in public buildings or buildings open to public meetings, e.g. courts, city halls, police stations, city council meetings, etc.


Now...finding a knife


I looked at the Victorinox Adventurer Solo, and a few other suggestions...thanks for your help


upon further consideration (and research) I am still considering the SOG flash 1, and as i was browsing the net while I was stuck at jury duty I found the Spyderco Dragonfly (FRN - Zytell)


Here are a few considerations i made

1st- Steel

Spyderco Dragonfly...VG-10___________SOG Flash 1...AUS-8_____________SOG (WIN)

2nd- Handle

Spyderco Dragonfly...Zytell___________SOG Flash 1...Zytell______________(Equal)

3rd- Deployment

Spyderco Dragonfly...Non Assisted_____SOG Flash 1...Assisted____________(Equal) you pick, its a preference

4th- Clip

Spyderco Dragonfly... (fixed)Zytell clip__SOG Flash 1...Steel Clip (removable)__(SOG Flash 1)

I gave the clip to the SOG as it is seated high for good concealment, and you can switch the clip to the left side...which is a plus for me, as I am left handed. Not to mention, what if you snag the zytell pocket clip on something and break it? can't replace that one...oops

5th- Blade Grind

This one is equal, as they both come with zero ground blades, which is very good quality in a knife (IMO) and it really adds the cutting potential of a smaller knife especially.


So that is what I know, given those choices and info...what would you choose? Oh, and I am still open for suggestions if you think you have a winner!


I'll attach a picture of each, so you don't have to look them up...


Thanks Again for all the help...isn't talking about knives fun? after all that's why were here










Joe- I think you are getting me mixed up a little with Wayne as I'm not very familiar with Swiss Army Knives, Spyderco or SOG, however I think all three are pretty good choices based on their reputation. I had recommended either a Buck Ranger with 2 1/2" blade & sheath/ leather holder or the CaseXX Blue Stag with assist opener available from Smokey Mountain Knife Works if still available? It's a beauty with navy blue jig bone handle plus it's American made. Not withstanding that some very fine blades are made overseas, I still like seeing our dough going to US knife makers due to our Nat'l. debt & the scarcity of jobs here in our country.

  With respect to knife laws, I posted a reply to Glenn K (?) on "Know The Law" re: our knife laws here in FL which sound even more restrictive than CA, much to my surprise? My concern is the way our laws are written, only "ordinary pocket knives"  are legal which to me seems vague & would depend on your definition of ordinary? Fixed blades seem "Ver Botten" unless you have a conceal carry permit & keep it well hidden on your possession. I have a permit, but am I supposed to carry my hunting knife tucked in my shorts? Give me a break!

Good luck with your research (only you can really decide what's best for you) & I'm going to see what else I can find out about our laws here & in other states. I'm 63 and it appalls me as to how much freedom we have lost with respect to both gun,  knife laws & other things in what seems to me to be a pretty short time.

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