Okay okay okay -- we've got FREE SHIPPING TODAY ONLY at Blade HQ, & Free SHIPPING this weekend at Knife Center, two of the biggest online knife retailers!

Here'show you know I'm not in their pocket:  this is really only worthwhile if you spend LESS THAN the usual free shipping amounts -- they'll both provide free shipping on orders of $95, which, after years in this hobby, is really far too easy to do.  I'm not rich, mind you, nowhere near. 

But it's also something I've always appreciated being able to do -- find deals on really good, usable, workable items -- in this case, knives.  I'm really not about the gaudy embellishments or the pretty safe-bound knives.  Both big retailers sell these knives, too, but in most cases, you're going to blow past this $95 limit with your purchase on one of these art knives, & the free shipping sales aren't really an issue.  

Here's the KnifeCenter link, & be sure to add the code SANTA at checkout:   www.knifecenter.com/shop/knifecenter-holiday-sales

And here's the BLADE HQ link (appears there's no code necessary):  www.bladehq.com/cat--Holiday-Sale--90

So there ya have it, "Ho ho ho" & all.

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