I was hired to repair, well that might not be the right word.. lets say build a Camillus US Military Pilots Survival Knife. My customer Allen gave me a Camillus blade and guard and asked me to put it together, It will be a gift for a friend of his.

This company went out of business in 2007 so I did some research and was able to find the drawings for the parts I need to make, the pommel and Case.

This is what he gave me, I took a picture of it on top of one of the drawings I found online:

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wax or oil.

Wow, Daniel!

Having no prior knowledge of your background; I must confess that this effort has certainly far-exceeded any initial expectations I may have entertained when you first announced your undertaking of the task at hand. Bravo, mate! You are doing a splendid job!


Thanks J.J. Thats what I thought. However I know ESTWING Axes used clear lacquer on their leather handles. I have time now to ponder this because my knife workshop day turned into fix the wheelbarrel day. :)


Thank you for your kind words. I like a good challenge and this group has been very helpful now and in the past. Stay tuned! More to come!

Ron Cooper said:

Wow, Daniel!

Having no prior knowledge of your background; I must confess that this effort has certainly far-exceeded any initial expectations I may have entertained when you first announced your undertaking of the task at hand. Bravo, mate! You are doing a splendid job!


As usual .. wonderful work Dan.

Beeswax is commonly mentioned, as is some commercial product called "Sno-Seal", and then saddle soap.

Also, check the thread here.

Woah ! Dale...

Thanks for the tech lead, your timing is perfect!

Tons of reading, more than I could find.. Good stufF !!

I am rethinking this stacked leather, maybe not use barge cement but something more rigid. 



I love reading the homemade recipes for glues..

!!!  .  WOW  .  !!!

Harden the pommel video here. The roar of the forge!

 Nice video .. what I saw .. it was there .. and then gone ??

It's back. I had to reload it in youtube.

some of those glue recipes are ... unique


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