This was posted on another forum, and I am very sad to hear this and still hope it is not true!! 

Here is my favorite CSC Knife - the American Elk Canitler....



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Regrettably it is true Andy, I put something up on it a couple of days ago.  I hate to see any USA knife company close it's doors and I am hoping the cutlers will find another company that can utilize their skills.  This is my CS

Bummer- great looking knife, Jan! 

I did a search and did not find your thread - but I did find the Canal Street group. 




Dang Jan, that'd make a dandy wharnie.

That's too bad to hear. But I always wondered about that company. It never had a presence in the knife industry. They rarely if ever advertised. Most dealers, large and small, didn't seem to carry their items. To me it seemed that it was practically unknown from the start and evidently it went downhill from there. That's a shame.

On the positive side, those who own CSC should see their items appreciate in value.

  This is one of the Canal Street Trappers in my collection. I'm sorry to hear about them closing.

That saddens me. I got to chat a little with Wally from CSC in Arkansas back in  '12. He's a great guy.

   This a fine looking CS Lockback Jan, really like the Ivory handles.

Jan Carter said:

Regrettably it is true Andy, I put something up on it a couple of days ago.  I hate to see any USA knife company close it's doors and I am hoping the cutlers will find another company that can utilize their skills.  This is my CS

Says a lot about a company when even the trappers are this good looking!
Terry Pitts said:

  This is one of the Canal Street Trappers in my collection. I'm sorry to hear about them closing.

Sad Sad News ... I have had a general wanted add for a Canal Street knife on a board here in Aussie for several months without success. GEC and Queen are vary rarely seen here but CSC (?) even rarer.

Looks like I will need to dig deep and get one out of the USA quickly - the horrible exchange rate and high freight will kill me but ....


I dont know if it helps but this company has CSC and they are in Brisbane http://www.cuttingedgeknives.com.au/products.php?cPath=947&rID=0

Thanks Jan got put onto them earlier today and attractive prices considering the exchange rate and freight costs  . Some chat here about CSC quality control issues(???)  in a couple of years on US forums I have never heard of this - just another bashing issue like Queen Cutlery bashing ??? - or is there some substance?

Jan Carter said:


I dont know if it helps but this company has CSC and they are in Brisbane http://www.cuttingedgeknives.com.au/products.php?cPath=947&rID=0


I too have heard the thoughts of hit and miss regarding CSC but I believe it was early on and I never saw a lot of their knives during that time frame.  My personal thoughts, when a company is young, the issues can arise.  While folks are getting used to equipment, ownership preferences, etc.  I did not experience any of the issues and I have not had my hands on one that did.  So I am going to say yes, shades of Queen Cutlery bashing!

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