I am a senior citizen with a limited knife budget of $75.00.  My quandary is do I invest this money in one or  at best two case knives or should I buy 3 or more rough rider knives.  Any suggestions??

Tags: Case, Rider, Rough, budget, knife

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Be sure to post a pic, when your knife comes in Jay.

Checked out the site at HandTools.com,  Looks to be a nice selection of knives there. 

Thanks for letting us in on the place.

Jay, as long as you are happy, that's all that counts in knife collecting. I have purchased a few Rough Riders and they were all well made and very sharp right out the box. Enjoy your new knife.

 I would like to retract the last statement  about Red China knives and explain lest I be thought a fool and jerk. I am a Viet Nam vet and hang around with other vets, a bit and sometimes we talk ourselves into a frenzy of silliness regarding politics and politics seems to override any good sense we have left and makes us ignore the economic good sense that we learned from our mothers.  It is buy America with us all the time, knowing that is impossible and not even neccessarily in our own countries best economic interest. If something is better for the money, why does it matter where it was made? Someone buying a Rough Rider is not  comparing to with  Case or Queen.  The only American jobs lost because of Rough Rider are the jobs making .$9.99 good knives., and those jobs probably never rehired after WWII.  RR  are  good working knives, from what I can tell at least as good as the  American made Schrade and Old Timer  which were my EDC for years.  What I should have said is if I croaked and my friends found a Rough Rider in my pocket instead of my Case, kabar, or Bucks, they would all die laughing and in agreement saying " See we knew he was a bull shipper".  Yes  I carry American made , but it is not because it really makes any sense.

I think Gec knives are the best around unlike case they focus on quality over quantity pinned on sheilds half stops and they snap like a gator,Case knives have been lacking quality the last few years but buy what u like thats what makes it fun. I am glad you found your choice cant wait to see pictures

Jay, you don't know me too well.  I say take the Rough Rider Challenge.  While  I also buy more expensive knives and have quite a few Case knives, I've also got plenty of Rough Riders and I'm very happy with them.  Will the American Made crowd look down on you.  I suppose some will but other not so much.   For my take on the whole thing go to my Rough Rider Reviews - ( blindkat.hegewisch.net/RRR/ ) website and click on the link Case vs. RR

Well said, Kirk.

You know all about me and Rough Riders, Kirk That said, I can always respect a person who refuses to buy a knife (or anything, for that matter) based on political, religious or just simply personal beliefs.

What I hate is when people bash a product and call it worthless simply because it isn't American made.  

I know several Vietnam vets who carried AKMs instead of M16s while performing their missions.  They're was no talk about inferior chi-com steel and poor workmanship when they talked about the AK! It was all reliability and hitting power.

To not buy from PRC for political reasons is fine.  To bad mouth the quality of an American company's product simply because it was made in the PRC without ever testing the product is ignorant and bigoted.

As you were clear for your not wanting to carry a Chinese made product, I commend you for stand. 

That's my 2 cents.

PS.  As much as I like Rough Riders, I'm even having a problem buying that Vietnam "Brotherhood" trapper which is tribute to the Vietnam Vet.   Even the Saigon Sidekick was a hard buy for me because a knife pays tribute to the American Soldier in Vietnam, yet is made by Communist China, seems somewhat insensitive and hypocritical.

ken benson said:

 I would like to retract the last statement  about Red China knives and explain lest I be thought a fool and jerk. I am a Viet Nam vet and hang around with other vets, a bit and sometimes we talk ourselves into a frenzy of silliness regarding politics and politics seems to override any good sense we have left and makes us ignore the economic good sense that we learned from our mothers.  It is buy America with us all the time, knowing that is impossible and not even neccessarily in our own countries best economic interest. If something is better for the money, why does it matter where it was made? Someone buying a Rough Rider is not  comparing to with  Case or Queen.  The only American jobs lost because of Rough Rider are the jobs making .$9.99 good knives., and those jobs probably never rehired after WWII.  RR  are  good working knives, from what I can tell at least as good as the  American made Schrade and Old Timer  which were my EDC for years.  What I should have said is if I croaked and my friends found a Rough Rider in my pocket instead of my Case, kabar, or Bucks, they would all die laughing and in agreement saying " See we knew he was a bull shipper".  Yes  I carry American made , but it is not because it really makes any sense.

Kirk, you make a lot of sense sometimes. LOL

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