Just throwing out an idea and figured this is one of the best place to start.  I'm thinking of forming a group to discuss fishing.  I'm think everything from sharing fishing stories, advice on gear, etc.   Of course  a good chunk would also focus on collecting vintage tackle and knives as well as what you use when you go fishing today.  Would people be interested in such a group?

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Tobias- I'll play !!-- I can tell a fishing lie  (story) with the best of them-- Also, I was a former sporting goods manager for a couple of stores some years back and a field tester for products-- Plus-- My oldest brother is an avid collector/ historian on vintage & antique fishing tackle. Count me in !!

Fishing is just my style too.  Open to all conversations likewise.

First- an actual true story from my youth-- When I was a lad of about 16, myself & and my fishing buddy finally got permission to fish a private pond that had not been fished in 15 years-- We set out a trot line and caught 2-- 40lb. flathead catfish after one day-- Threw them in my car trunk along with 2 rod/reel combos and headed to the most noteworthy fisherman's house in my town of 1100- Lied our butts off and convinced him they were caught on rod & reel-- He MADE us go to every other fishing addict in the whole darn town to display our "supposed" catch.-- Spent the better part of the day dropping the jaws of the local fisherman-- No one ever caught on-- In the end, my fishing buddy and I took  the catfish to his uncle in a nearby town There they were carved into catfish steaks and  prompted a neighbor hood fish cookout which was enjoyed by all in attendance.

Tobias-- WHEW !!- That's a load off my  chest-- Been saving that fishing story for years and it is ACTUALLY a true fishing story-- Can not guarantee the veracity of future escapades in the future, however-- I will post warning notices if I choose to exaggerate the truth---ROFL

So a just a little lie, eh John?    If we get enough interest, say three or four more bites, I'll see about starting a group devoted to all things fishing,  I'm considering naming the group Gone Fishin'

Just to play devils advocate and so we can find everything in one place when on iKC.  Do we remove the outdoor group and move all the fishing stories?  Remember folks Tobias is going about this the right way, this is YOUR site, you tell us

Jan I don't think there is a reaon to remove outdoor living because it is a very borad interest group but it mostly talks hunting and camping.   But i do feel that the Knives of the Great Outdoors has run its course.  I think information from their could be merged with Knife Pattern Collectors and/or Outdoor Living.

It may also be that we just need a few good fishing discussions in Outdoor Living.  This is why I posted the same comment in a few a places.  I'm trying to get a feel for interest in the topic.  I know there are several anglers out there, I also know there are several people who collect fish knives.  I'm just speculating if you collect fish knives you might also collect tackle or be open to it.  And while I'll be the first to admit I'm not that good at fishing, I love to go fishing and I'm always trying to learn.

And I also noticed that a lot of the new members seem to list fishing as one of their activities.

Jan Carter said:

Just to play devils advocate and so we can find everything in one place when on iKC.  Do we remove the outdoor group and move all the fishing stories?  Remember folks Tobias is going about this the right way, this is YOUR site, you tell us

Tobias, I would go for it.  I have a few fish stories that I could tell.  And I collect fish knives.

Jan- I know some groups have tried and failed due to lack of membership or participation- I think it deserves a shot as a separate group, as a brief scan of members photos shows a bunch holding fish-- At the very least, a separate discussion in the Outdoor living group.

Lets follow the thought process and see where it takes us :).  I think I will send out a blast and see if we can get some of those anglers to speak up

I live on the water about 3 mile to the Gulf of Mexico in SW FL . I have over 50 yrs experience in flats,onshore and off shore fishing ,From catching bait to Grouper Digging , trolling for Dolphin and fishing the Silver King the Tarpon .Count me in :)))



I'll go for this, I have Ann old fishing knife in my tackle box that I remember using as a child.

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