I haven't found a group on Frank Buster / fighting rooster knives. I've collected a few and the history of the man and his knives is an interesting one. If not a group could I or someone begin one?

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There you go Tim

Thanks Steve. Searched but didn't see the group. I knew there had to be one.

I also would like to find a group. I have a large collection of display knives and very seldom can I even find anyone that has collected them or seen even seen them before. Some of my collection are prototypes and are beautiful with a lot of file work and scrimshaw. I do know a lot about the history of Frank and his knives. I will be posting the knives soon as I am in ill health and am going to be selling some of my collection. I am currently working on taking pictures of them and will be sharing on the site.


Fight'n Rooster Knife Collectors Group   Easy, just click the link!  Also you will be glad to know that Sterling Buster is a member :)

Louie Hohl said:

I also would like to find a group. I have a large collection of display knives and very seldom can I even find anyone that has collected them or seen even seen them before. Some of my collection are prototypes and are beautiful with a lot of file work and scrimshaw. I do know a lot about the history of Frank and his knives. I will be posting the knives soon as I am in ill health and am going to be selling some of my collection. I am currently working on taking pictures of them and will be sharing on the site.


Ok now I need to join!

Hi Louie

Hope it all works out for you and look forward to seeing the photos.  Sounds like you have some beautiful pieces!

Louie Hohl said:

I also would like to find a group. I have a large collection of display knives and very seldom can I even find anyone that has collected them or seen even seen them before. Some of my collection are prototypes and are beautiful with a lot of file work and scrimshaw. I do know a lot about the history of Frank and his knives. I will be posting the knives soon as I am in ill health and am going to be selling some of my collection. I am currently working on taking pictures of them and will be sharing on the site.


I have a number of Fighten' Rooster knives. To my knowledge, after Frank Buster died, his son took over the business. 

When Frank was alive I received a number of newsletters from him or at least his business. I sort of lost my interest in collecting knives after he died, not just because he died, but there did not seem to be that much interest in knife collecting. So far, there does not seem to be a lot of inflation in the value of knives, even if they are impossible to find, or if they are what was once considered collectible knives. WW2 collectible such as the old Battle Axe brand of either has little value or little knowledge about them or desire to collect them. Case club members were able to collect annual special knives of different styles, buy a walnut display case, with etching and documentation on the front glass of the case. Not a lot of interest in collecting those either. 

I am again trying to figure out if their is any real interest in knife collection, or if collecting simply sells things for the knife manufacturing company. I have case/Ertl collectables, and had interest in continuing to collect them, but it looks like the same collectables I purchased from collectors like us, are still being sold at around the same price that I gave for them years ago. 

Is collecting knives, whether bench made, or custom made one only knives, ever going to have any value, or is it like many antiques or valuables that are only valuable to the collector that bought them, and when they die, they get sold off by the remaining family in a cut rate garage sale? 

Hi Red

Well, That's a mighty big question.  I can tell you knife collecting is alive and strong, and this website is only a part of it.

Value depends what you collect.  Knives can be for fun, profit, enjoyment and investment.  Lots of choices there and great ones for almost every level.  Its a wonderful hobby with a lot of great people involved in it.  Stick around on this website for a while, join the chats and you'll see what I'm talking about.

Your "openness" is very much appreciated!

Red, you have me thinking now...do you have any older material from Frank Buster you would be willing to share on our website here?  There are collectors out there, myself included, that would love to see any materials like you mentioned.  Just a thought....

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