I was thinking we could have a IKC fishing contest for this spring and summer for our members. I know, you are probably saying how can we weigh fish and with different types of fish north and south east and west, well how can it be done.  Easy, It would not be the biggest but the Best Fishing Picture of one of our members for this fishing season. Yea, who has a great picture with them or their childern and of course a Fish. We could have a judge pick the best picture of the contest. The winner would get a knife of course. Please let me know if ya'll would be interested in it. I think it would be alot of fun. Lets talk the idea up and see what comes of it.

First Prize

Second Prize

Views: 2406

Replies to This Discussion

Yes Mam, what's second prize? I wanta know!

Awesome pic and those fish look like a lot of fun to catch. Get posting even more pics guys, this is a great chance to win some great prizes.

Jan, what is the second prize?

Robert, I'll share some trout recipes soon.

Johnny, That sounds great, I just got finished frying fish, shirmp, frys and hush puppies for my grand girls. They ate all they could, I wish I could cook some up for ya'll.

Sounds like a feast Robert, I would sure love to try some of those homemade hush pups too.

We do trout up here a few different ways, but the ultimate favorite, is on the grill. Usually we'll marinade them in lemon juice, butter, garlic, onions, and more garlic. Then we wrap them up in aluminum foil and we are good to go. If we're roughing it in the wilds of PA, we bring a little lemon pepper seasoning and we're good to go. 

One night we were at a buddy's place and a good friend of mine had this new marinade he wanted to try. As he was bringing the fish out to the fire, it fell off the plate. Well, being around a fire and not wanting to make a huge deal of getting it cleaned up, someone cracked open and beer and rinsed it off. So, we get the trout on the fire and it's starting to flake, it's ready to go. 

As he was getting to the plate, it hit the floor again. Now, this guy is a really good friend, but he's also very sensitive and he was disappointed , about the ruined fish. The next thing I know, another beer is produced and the fish is plashed clean. The fish was warmed over the flames and was finally ready to be tasted.

Best Trout I Ever Ate.


UMMMM... wish I was there for that fry, sounds wonderful.


That may be the most interesting recipe I have ever heard for fish at the fire but I will bet it was great.

I see you are ready to see what the second place prie is?

Johnny, I think you have another great use for beer! We broil sac au lait [crappie] on the pit very simular to the way you cook them. The next time I cook fish that's probably the way I'll do it.
Hi Robert, just joined your group, sounds like we're going to have fun. It's no secret I love to fish! Been taking my sons to northern Ontario since 1984. A lot of big northern pike. Our trip this year will be in June. To be fair I'll post pics from the trip and won't drag out old pics from past years. I've already informed the boys ole dad will be showing them up this year!

no wonder those halibut steaks are so big look what they come from......

Hey guys. No intention of entering that pic for the contest. Its an old one. Just had some invites to join and share some pics. I took my grandson fishing today a nd he caught his first fish. His first time camping too, Good times.

Yes Jan, please let us know!!!

Paul, awesome pics, I can't wait to see the new ones. Sounds like you had an awesome time with your Grandson, memories like this will last for the both of you.

Great Ken, that sounds like ya'll are gonna have alot of fun. There's no northern pike here in south Louisiana, heck there's no southern pike here either.lol I can't wait to see them. Hey Paul, thats what it's all about, I wish you had taken some pictures of your grandson with that first fish. That's what we're looking for. Have fun with it and enjoy the fishing trip.

and the second place prize is.......

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