I was thinking we could have a IKC fishing contest for this spring and summer for our members. I know, you are probably saying how can we weigh fish and with different types of fish north and south east and west, well how can it be done.  Easy, It would not be the biggest but the Best Fishing Picture of one of our members for this fishing season. Yea, who has a great picture with them or their childern and of course a Fish. We could have a judge pick the best picture of the contest. The winner would get a knife of course. Please let me know if ya'll would be interested in it. I think it would be alot of fun. Lets talk the idea up and see what comes of it.

First Prize

Second Prize

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We missed more fish than we caught, but we had action all day. I landed a smaller sunfish and another bass, one much smaller than my first. My buddy who we were fishing with landed a decent drum right before dark.

As night fell the action heated up and we missed fish left and right. They'd hit hard, then back off, they were biting the bait off and leaving the rest till we baited again and threw out. My buddy caught a tiny little catfish baby, truly a record for smallest cat I'd ever scene.

I caught small one myself, but nothing like his.

The screeching steel of the ever active rail road livened the dead, quietness of the night. The crickets sang their songs as we fished through the night. Missed fish and more missed fish. It really made us pay attention to what was happen at the end of our lines.

Levi missed an extremely nice bass for the area, we had it to the shore, but couldn't get it out of the water. It looked like a good one though. 

Sometime during the night my buddy got a real good hit and reeled in a good eatin' sized cat.

Levi caught the last fish of the day, another decent cat. This one not as big as my buddy's, but a nice Fat Cat.

Great mess of fish there Johnny, looks like ya'll had a great time. A good fish fry might be the thing for a bunch of good buddies.

Yeah Robert, we caught more fish, I just didn't get a pic of them all.

It was a great time and we always have fun when we are out. 

Sounds like a good time Johnny and a good dinner

Great pictures Adam, that's the kind the judges are looking for. Remember the old saying "the family that fishes togrther..eats fish together..lol Good luck on the contest, you may enter as many times as you like and we all hope you do. 

great fish and great picture.it makes you want to get out there and catch something thanks for the pictures......


Bet that surprised him.  Wonderful pics

Adam Furnier said:

yeah girls catch the fish....the boy catches a frog.....


Thanks for entering the contest and sharing the pics with us.  Looks like a great time and a perfect family day

Wow that is something, that's not gonna happen often. With all my fishing, it's only happen to me once. I caught a big Bull Frog on a Poping Bug with a fly rod while fishing for Bluegills. That little man will remember this the rest of his life. Congrat's on a great catch!


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