Ok, I am over feeling sorry for myself about missing Blade Show for the first time in a decade #$&*&(&T^.  LOL, well maybe not quite.  Some of you know I always feel better when I am giving away something on here.

SOOOOOO, thanks to Mark Zaleski at Knife Magazine, let's give away his new electronic, online subscriptions!    We are going to make this easy...

  1. Go to the new website https://knifemagazine.com/ .
  2. Find something you LOVE about the new site
  3. Come back here and share IN THIS DISCUSSION what that was

That's as easy as I can make it, do those three (3) things and you are entered.  Contest runs 48 hours, Tuesday 6/11/2019 at 

12:13pm Eastern time the contest is over so go find your something, share it here and let's have some fun!

Views: 372

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Woo Hoo!!!


I've PM'd you with my contact information.

A BIG thanks!

Jim Lites

Jan Carter said:

And out winner is Mr Jim Lites !

Jim please send me you address.

THANK YOU TO ALL THAT REPLIES, continue to enjoy the new Knife Magazine site.  The time invested there was well worth it from my perspective, it will be a very helpful resource

Congrats Jim ... and a big thumbs up to Jan and Knife Magazine.

Congratulations, Jim!  I hope it's a great set of reads for you!

Won a Browning Feather light skinning Knife & Sheath, Thanks to Clay at Knife Magazine & Jan for the promotion of this giveaway!

Tony Flannery said:

Love the 100 knives given away in 100 days, And the Blade Show coverage for those of us who could not be there, Excellent website, have it page marked for referencing some of my older unbranded knives! I need to spend more time here and on the Knife Magazine site! What's up with the Queen Public Auction, Are they going under again?

Thanks to Jan for the giveaway, and the opening my eyes on the knife magazine website!


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