How about a thread of knives found at flea markets, estate sales, garage sale, or even pawn shops.

Only real world person to person transactions, no online purchases! 

You know an actual purchase where you actually got to touch and examine the knife before you bought it and were actually able to haggle in person over the price.

Here are two knives I landed for around $30, one is a Coleman "Collector Edition" fixed blade hunter with a burl wood maple handle and the other is a Swiss Buck Advantange.  Both came new, in the box.  I bought them at Swap-O-Rama in Alsip Illinois from a guy said he had been a distributor for Buck Knives for 13 years.  He told me the Coleman Collecotr's Edition was made in Buck's China Factory.  I don't know about that but it was sweet looking knife and razor sharp!

So what great deal did you find at flea market!

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Oh Lordy, Tobias, don't get me started !! ROFL- A large part of my knife collection falls in this category.I regularly go on pawn shop hunts, and have found many a great deal-- Here is one beauty just to start things off- My 2004 TB62110SS Bose / Case Saddlehorn in Mahoghany Bone - Picked it up for $49.99 in a pawn shop earlier this year NIB-I wasn't even carrying a gun or wearing a mask !!

Donnie and I are looking forward to doing a bit more of these this winter

Well that sure trumps a Swiss Buck, John!  What a beauty!

Here is another one I picked up in Florida at a pawn shop in 2000 when I lived there-  A Tan Appaloosa smooth bone 6254SS Case trapper-- A 1994 -6 dot-- Paid $45.00 dollars for it--

One more for now, if you allow antique shops, too. A 1958-60 Queen #73 with Winterbottom bone handles-- Have original sheath, too,  Paid $50 at an antique store in Arkansas-- BTW, I told you not to get me started, Tobias !! ROFL- Relax, I only have a couple dozen more pawn shop finds !!!

I found this one at a second hand store called the Village located in Hammond Illinois 

Official BSA Camp knife by Ulster.  How much"  A Quarter, as in twenty five cents.

Dang,Tobias---  Hammond, IL is practically in my back yard !!- Are you sure you couldn't have talked the owner down on the price some more??--- Golly gee whiz, a whole quarter!! ROFL-- Now that's a GREAT find !!

Here's one I picked up in an Urbana, IL pawn shop earlier this year-- NIB w/ papers--Paid $24.99-A  Case 6254SS Pitch Black jigged bone trapper with bowtie 2002 shield-

Tobias, I want to come shopping with you

Jan, I think we both need to go shopping with John!

Here is another one I found.  This is an Original Swiss Army Tinker.

I found it at an Estate sale. Paid a whopping $5 for it, including the box and instruction sheet.  Note the file on the square screwdriver, first used on Victorinox knives in 1952. Main blade reads. Victorinox – Switzerland- Stainless- Rostfrei on one side and Victoria- Officeir Suise-and an image of the Swiss crossbow on the opposite side. Note also the small cross and the word PAT on recently patented can opener/screwdriver. Note there is no key ring, toothpick or tweezers. The cap lifter is sharpened on the inside curve and is designed to cut twine.  When you put all the little clues together, the knife was made sometime between 1952-56.  The File on the Phillips Screw driver is the big clue!

As you can tell, the knife is mint, in the box with papers

Here is one I picked up in Arkansas from an antique store while visiting my (enabler) oldest brother-- My brother was best buds with the owner, so I picked it up for $25--Case I254-Imitation ivory trapper  with Case XX Bradford,PA -19USA92 year dated tang.stamp.-- I liked it cuz you do not see the I (eye) designation on too many Case knives--


Here is one I picked up at the local pawn shop just today--- I had to pay the outrageous sum of $12.99 for it--LOL

A 1981 Case Lightning S 62032 9 dot- Texas Jack knife-- 3 5/8" closed with Open "C" shield.

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