Found this fellow in my house yesterday!  He was about 7  inches long over all.

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Better your house than mine. LOL What type of lizard is it?

cool find Charles & like those scales!

He is a skink.  We have them here too but I like them outside LOL

Jeremy, I'm afraid Cindy and Caren don't share your sentiment.  They say better your house than ours!  LOL

Jeremy B. Buchanan said:

Better your house than mine. LOL What type of lizard is it?

I like them outside too Jan.  But better a skink than a skunk!  LOL

Jan Carter said:

He is a skink.  We have them here too but I like them outside LOL

I would have to move.

wow must be one of those Southern Pests right there!

Hey the juvenile ones are cute !!-- Flourescent colors that fade as they get older--Caught one outside my tent  while camping a few years back-- In the sunlight they show all the colors of a rainbow colored titanium blade !!

Some would say I am a Southern Pest!  LOL

Steve Hanner said:

wow must be one of those Southern Pests right there!

Oh they look okay to me , though I think my better half might not agree . Better than spiders anyway, I don't like spiders .

Jan's identification of this domicile intruder appears to be spot-on!

Checkout this link: Broad-headed Skink

Well today I was getting my zip cooler off the patio....had a few red solo cups in the side pocket....looked in there....

bout a 5 inch or so blue tail lizard....he must have been caught in there for awhile because when I poured him out...lol

He was moving a little slow.....but he did run off and into the flower bed...should have took a Pic...

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