Thanks to the hard work and support from Rep. Jennifer Coffey, who I had the pleasure of meeting at the NCCA knife show in Malboro, MA



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Congrats.. too cool !!

Heard about that. I wish New Mexico would follow suite... Apparently even possessing them is illegal here!

Congrats New Hampshire! Common sense prevailed. Here in the People's Republic of California, it is legal to own an automatic knife but is illegal to carry if the blade is over 2".  I know where I can get a nice, big Microtech HALO 5.  Maybe I should get one for my birthday.


Isaac, now I know why you want that Rajah 1!  Good for you.

Fortunately, there is no length limit on manual folders in California.  Compared with most other states, California is pretty fairly reasonable.  Some cities have length limits. Los Angeles, for example has a 3 inch limit. Costa Mesa (where I work) has a massive 5 inch limit. Why they chose 5 inches I will never understand. Newport Beach (where I live) has no limit at all.  


California's laws on fixed blades is even better than Texas! No length limit, but it must not be concealed and it has to be worn from the hip. Of course, there are dozens of little nonsense details and a stunning amount of cops has no idea what is legal or illegal. Most of them are really good guys though and know that it is not the weapon that commits the crime. I scared the life out of a would-be rapist a couple of years ago with my favorite Benchmade 630 Skirmish and all I got were fist-bumps and high-fives from the cops that showed up.

isaac prillaman said:

Thanks, Im getting a daoutf pretty soon (same time I get the money for your knife) to start my rebellious collection of autos. By the way, what is the length limit on manual folders in California?

Welcome to the Granite State! I moved up here from Mass about 18 years ago, best move I ever made. If your looking for some autos, I have purchased several from bladeplay.com reasonable prices and free shipping, you have to know what your looking for they have good name brands there too.

isaac prillaman said:

I just moved to NH from MA and the first thing I'm going to do as NH resident is buy an auto.

Yes, the laws are fairly good. It is quite common, however, for people to be wrongfully arrested by cops who just didn't know better. That really sucks.

My experience was ideal, and this is probably due only to the circumstances of the case. As you know, justice is not completely blind. I look nothing like the average criminal, I was in one of the most affluent areas in the world, I was accompanied by a very successful and very well-known local businessman, I was using a $300 knife that is a piece of art, and the girl would have elected me as God. The cops were well-accustomed to the rapist as a recidivistic lowlife. They were probably relieved that it wasn't them who had to smack him down, for once. Even if they didn't know him, it would have been down to Versace sunglasses vs. a ripped pair of boxer shorts. The troublemaker in that situation was obvious.

By the bye, I think push daggers are illegal here.

isaac prillaman said:

O wow I had no idea. I thought they would be like MA, no autos, no pushers, no fixed blades over 4", no double edged knives. Sounds like the cops over there are ideal, the ones here are very mean and unreasonably stern most of the time.


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