The online community of knife collectors, A Knife Family Forged in Steel
A few months ago my neighbor here at the shop, a clockmaker and a great craftsman, came over to raise money for his neighbor, Lauren, who at 12 was diagnosed with cancer. I handed him the best knife in the tray I was working on. He was shocked as he was really only asking for a $20 donation. I couldn't get the smile off my face that day. There was a well of joy associated with the giving. And I couldn't get over how great it was to know exactly who was being helped. By the time I got home, I had decided to pull a knife each week to sell to help some family in need. My wife reminded me about Super Ben and I actually felt guilty that it took me so long to wake up and get to helping.
Super Ben Rupe is only a baby. He is 8 months old. While my wife and I don't have any blood relatives that are local, this family has adopted us and we love them. Ben was born with fibroid tumors throughout his body. Dozens of them on his heart and brain. He suffers from seizures almost constantly.
Long story short, I started pulling and selling a knife a week at my forum to support Ben. His mother set up a Helping Hands Ministries charity account, and I write the checks to them. The knife community, of course, has stepped up and two knives were donated to the cause (by customers) within the first week. AND its been going at a rate like this ever since. We've saved their home from forclosure, made possible trips to specialists, and also allowed them to buy specialized equipment for babies with seizures. You can actually see the help happening. Its an amazing feeling for me.
At last weekends Guild show four men donated knives to sell for Ben. They didn't have to do this. In fact, they did it without even being asked. Will Dutton, Scott Davidson, Harvey Martin (only just met me at the show) and of course Carl Rechsteiner donated knives. Will, Scott and Carl have been mentors of mine from the time I joined the GA Guild. While I just met Harvey, we really hit it off and he is going to be a friend for life, I can tell.
Each Tuesday, we post a thread to sell knives for Ben at my forum at Bladeforums. In addition to this, the family has set up a go fund me account for direct donations.
For more information on how you can show your support for Ben, please visit the gofundme page set up to raise money to help cover Ben’s Medical expenses:
Also, the family has just launched a Facebook Page that will be updated regularly to track Ben’s progress and his Family’s journey with fighting TSC disorder:
Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to help also. The knives that Andy sells on Tuesdays are here. I do indeed know this is a link to Blade Forums, lol. I feel like this cause is more than big enough for all of us to help if we can. Crossing the borders of knife sites is just not important in this matter.
I agree this is indeed a great cause and it crosses knife sites. This poor guy has a lot to get through and even a small amount helps.
I am always overwhelmed at the greatness of the hearts of the knife community. We started out with a goal of donating $300/week to this family. Before we got to week two, we had two knives donated by customers and one from me, and are now making a very BIG difference to this family.
You have been so good to me Jan. Thank you.
We are all in this together, sharing Blessings is what we do!
© 2025 Created by Jan Carter.
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